It’s like a rollercoaster ride!
I also demand you change your helmet mog. Every time you comment it reminds me of the rabbit from Donnie Darko.
28 days…6 hours…42 minutes…12 seconds…that is when…the world will end…
Forum works as intended… No post is ever able to keep the tracks it started on… except if the post to begin with was an off topic derail thread
If you aren’t an alt-o-holic I would suggest you to jump around on some other realms to see how things are cooking over there
Also, stick around on the forums - it sometimes end up with a lot of fun ingame
Oh Canabal, Canabal, how was I supposed to know
That something isn’t right with you
Oh Canabal, Canabal, We shouldn’t have let you roam free
And now you’re out of your mind, yeah
Show me how you want it to be
Tell me Canabal ‘cause I need to know now, oh because
You’re Bullcrap is killing me (and I)
I must confess we don’t believe (Don’t believe)
When I’ read you’re silly stuff, I lose my mind
Give him his meds.
bully this baby one more time
hahahahahahahahaah im dyinngggg from laughter this was something else hahahaha, best laugh I’ve had this week i think
was about to say that myself Moo, the guy came looking for riends and he may have found some, but better than that he’ s gotten to know a little about us from the way it turned into a coversation and went the way it did as conversations do…
Noire…welcome to our dysfunctional family…
That’s all I can see now!!!
I did, you said
And I disagree. I don’t think one rule fits all.
For me, you can have a genuine friendship with someone online just like you can in real life. You don’t have to have met up in real life for that friendship. It’s not even practical in some cases. Often we live in different countries.
You feel the need to differentiate between internet and IRL friend. To me they are just friends. I have some very close friends online, and I have more casual friends. But that’s the same anywhere IRL.
Then you don’t have the same definition of what an internet friend is, like me. I ain’t agreeing with you here regardless.
Me neither
There is nothing wrong with you not considering them friends, just that others do have strong bonds with people even if they haven’t met.
[quote=“Punyelf-draenor, post:219, topic:28843, full:true”]
I did, you said
You lot are going to follow me where ever I post on forums now, aren’t you.
Yep we had a tracking chip installed in your collar!
I just made a post in the Implement a dislike button on forums thread.
(watch this)
Did the chip malfunction?
i’m going to subscribe to your forum posts