… goodbye all.
Yeah I have said this before.
Goodbye - this time I really mean it.
Bad news is the game has changed so much after all these years, and I can’t play it anymore. I cannot go over the details because I don’t want to argue and have found happiness in another game that suits me better.
Now for the good news YES YOU CAN HAVE MY GOLD!!!
I have 346k up for grabs on Silvermoon (Alliance)
I have 334K up for grabs on Draenor (Horde)
Tell me why you should have this gold, and I will read through and decide…
Would rather split it between people than give to one person.
I am not trolling… I don’t see the point in it going to waste.
Thanks hun, but I’m already gone - and much happier.
Very sad to hear that 
But I do hope all the very best for you.
Who knows, perhaps we bump into each others at some other game 
Was a pleasure to talk with you during these past few months 
I wish you luck too, was lovely chatting to you as well 
I am in ff14 now and staying. Especially now they have the option to do solo dungeons with npcs 
Put all yer liquid assets into the Banks of the Guilds yer in… just a thought.
Give it to Halicos
take care Anna, hope u’ll have fun in your new adventures 
How you finding FF14 ? Was it your first round on it or been playing it for awhile?
I’ll look after your pets!
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The social side is dead… I don’t even have a guild apart from my alts and I 
I’ve still been struggling should I give it a go, I’ve heard so many good words about that game
…And I’ve played Final Fantasies from 7 forward 
Well, perhaps then Steam will connect us again 
I am loving it, truly I am. It suits me to the ground 
Have bought all the expacs and am on a new server with double xp - so levelling my alt jobs will be nice 
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Well; I have no way to get the gold you have, so GL to whoever gets (any of) it.
I am on ps4 - but it is crossplay with pc 
I am on Light server Twintania 
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Really, I did not know it was a crossplay 
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I joined this game 2~3 months after bfa started, and this is where i am right now.
You decide, if this is enough of a reason.
For people to get the gold they have to be on either Draenor - Horde, or Alliance - Silvermoon 
I have an alliance gnome warrior on silvermoon. Not a problem for me.
Happy to trade you 50k hun… give me a name