Dont be cheap when it comes to pizza!
Thanks again.
But you could buy a token you know you want too
I will have to buy 2-3 tokens anyway but I cant pass on pizza:P
Lol hahaha nice derp face that’s how someone looks when he arrives at his workplace high as a kite .
How did you manage to turn the thread into drama lmao.
And why are so many people concerned if you still post here . Happened to me as well when I was quitting, every puppy was concerned about me staying instead of leaving
Im sorry to see this after 15 days… see you!
Cause we all like to read original British drama, carefully written and masterfully directed by dear OP.
What joy is there to read some boring lazy low effort complains about grind, when you can enjoy the good staff here?
Anna, I do not need gold but at some time in the future should you ever regret leaving this game, I would gladly hold your gold in trust and return it to you.
Silvermoon was my starting server back in 2004, I now reside on Aerie Peak.
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