Hello there Blizzard! This is a part of your forum about a class you forgot that still exists. Hello DH players! This is Blizzard speaking. Go play our Ret paladin or our Shadow priest cause it’s our recent work and the rest doesn’t matter. Worst case scenario play our DK cause when they cry we buff them even if their damage profile is broken af!
Have a nice season 2 everyone!
Last i checked havoc DH has been a high performer in pve content and it defintly has seen its time in the sun in DF even its nerfed now?
Paladins see a week in the sun for the first time in 6 years and suddenly their the favorite?
DH falling from the sky in season 2 or something?
Mhm…. With this new T-set … compare to other classes , the DH will becoming „useless“
Also we are struggling to do ST - dmg and after 5?-6? Nerfs we are now getting more and more behind doing AOE dps compare with some other classes .
Basically a lot of DH play just those DH cause it’s pretty complicated to fill you glaive and you’re aura with dps including you’re essence break combo while you dash you’re momentum up … just to be disappointed standing under a Ret Paladin / or a enhancer doing tons of aoe with a lower risk and higher reward . So if that T-set comes … many people don’t see any reason why you should continue to play DH havoc . ( talking about a DH tank makes even no sense compare to a Warri or a prot paladin …
Despite the fact that i do the same if not more dps than 418 ilvl ppl with my 390 Ret pala (yes they are their favorite because it’s their new work and they want to promote that broken thing as something good). Have you seen any PTR content? DH set is useless + a dps loss than our current set. In raid Havoc is pretty much down at the bottom with the tanks and they keep nerfing stuff. Gameplay stays the same with everything spinning around momentum so you are locked into one build that is not even worth it at the end of the day along side with all the nerfs. So yes DH is falling from the sky in season 2 and everyone from DH discord already re-rolled to Ret or Warlock for a good reason.
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