Hello Horde

Do you even understand what that means? You will wait 3hours for AV to pop in the future. Do you need AV marks for items? If so… goodluck?


horde can always cry for a week and daddy blizz will give them all they want


Well I just wanted to point it out since this does not seem clear seeing all those hordes cheering?

Hmm, I hadn’t thought of that… I guess no more AV marks for Horde then

Good news is you only need 60 AV marks to buy everything via honor that one could wish for. I got 100 marks already in the prepatch so jokes on you - will be never queing to AV again


You are one person out of thousands so jokes on all the others then? :smiley:

If you think people will be unable to get 60 marks with 2-3 hour ques in one season you must be out of your mind. They can spend that precious que time for example by slaughtering alliance in the open world :slight_smile: thats some nice activity which I at least enjoy

Didn’t you hear? They don’t have the whole season. They need it all before they can enter arenas. The game is literally unplayable without it.

It’s gonna get worse but not as bad as you’re trying to present it. Probably 10-15 minutes longer per queue which is something I’m willing to sacrifice in order to actually be able to play the game.

All these clowns here thinking all alliance gonna reroll out of a sudden. The 1% sweaty maxers maybe but most won’t.

Future will tell :3

Gets solution for queue problem.

“Me want more! I will go back to ganking!”

Soooooooo boring.

Good change go next, not too bothered about AV queue atleast I can queue other BGs in the meantime

To be fair I think I need around 40AV marks in total for each season if not less. And Im capped on them so w/e. And I enjoy all tears so much.

Change is bad tho anyway.

Berny does not need AV either. For the hordes that do, they can queue other bgs or do world pvp, and AV will pop sooner or later.

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