Help! Boomkin playstyle feels ... weak?

I am hoping that the Druid community can help me a bit with a question I have about Balance. :slightly_smiling_face: Sorry about the long read, but I think it’s important, so please bear with me. :smiling_face:

I have played Druid for the last 3 expansions, but I have ONLY played Feral, because I mainly played melee specs. :tipping_hand_man: However in Dragonflight, I discovered that ranged specs were actually more fun to me. Hence, I am now giving Balance a serious go as a main. :slight_smile:


I have a hard time actually seeing if I play it correctly… :sweat_smile: And hopefully some of you can let me know WHY it feels awkward. I mostly do PvP, but I have the same issue in PvE content as well.

When it comes to the actual rotation… It feels like I’m constantly attacking, but there is never a moment where I “punch through” with any major damage. I think the most accurate way of describing how Balance feels to me, is as if I’m giving my opponents a 100 slaps across the face, instead of PUNCHING them with a fist. :sweat_smile:

Even the burst rotation feels weak to me… Although EVERYONE claims that Boomkin is extremely strong atm in single target and AoE fights, depending on the build.

My Single Target burst rotation/play style is as follows:

  1. Apply Sunfire and Moonfire to the target
  2. Activate Incarnation: Chosen of Elune
  3. Apply Fury of Elune to the target
  4. Spend Astral Power on Starsurge’es whenever about to cap
  5. Get into Eclipse as much as possible, and use Wrath or Starfire as fillers

With the above rotation, I feel like the gameplay of Boomkin is just… “apply DoTs and buffs, and then stay alive while maintining DoTs, Eclipse and using Starsurge”. :tipping_hand_man:

So my real question is… Am I doing things correctly?
IS Boomkin supposed to feel like all of it’s damage is “passive” through DoTs and procs?
Is the weak feeling a illusion, because it takes a while to get the damage going?

My current talent build is based on Supatease’s most current PvP Boomkin guide, and before watching his video I roughly had the same talent tree, with maybe 2 differences… So I’m not completely off the mark there. :+1:

If anyone wanna see my ST PvP talent tree, I will paste it bellow. Although I don’t think the talent tree is the main reason for me feeling that “Boomkin feels weak”. :slight_smile:


Might wanna check out supatease’s video he posted a while back, gives you 2 basic specs one is aoe the other single target.

Other then that its just make sure to split your dmg, swap targets and go ham with starsurges. Every second incarn is usually game over for the opponents regardless of 2s or shuffle imo.

I tried it for the first time this week and its without a doubt a good spec with nice numbers. Atm im at 2k mmr in 2s with my healer friend and 1960 in shuffle after 45ish rounds.

Good luck!

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