Help macro ^^

i need a macro my char stop casting my second nature’s swiftness cause i have this talent [Twinleaf] anyknow can help me please ?

You’re probably better off asking here:

oh ty mate

actually i cant add any topic on this category
why :frowning:

pff im really like 1 little boy in forum
i dont know anything
how pick category
how pick tag
or or or :frowning:

  • #showtooltip Convoke the Spirits
  • /cast [nochanneling] Nature’s Swiftness
  • /cast Convoke the Spirits
  • /cqs

Replace “Convoke the Spirits” with any spell you want to be not stopped when casting Nature’s Swiftness 2nd charge.

You now have a role in my character’s story.

During act 3, part 1, “Belly of the Beast.”. You will approach my character in the lowest moment of his story and help him up with wise druidic words of wisdom. Then, after hearing what you say, he will rise up to take what was taken from him.

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its worked m8 ty for help

I had NO idea you could add a [nochanneling] condition, I WISH I knew this back in Legion when my trinket usage would cancel my Divine Hymn >:(