So I am here for some advice from the roleplaying community…
I am MM dwarf hunter with an Engineer profession.
My question is, which Covenant would fit my character the best? No matter how much I look at Covenants, none fits my “Dwarven Ranger/Tinker” character I am going for…
Ravedreth would be good because it is the only place I could find guns?
Bastion because it looks like there is some engineering going on there?
Maldraxxus because of all the war machines and the stuff they build?
I am not sure… Your opinion? I am trying to “connect” with a Covenant but I just cannot…
Thematically, your Dwarf Hunter would fit into pretty much any of the four Covenants… Its really up to you & what you like the look of most.
Personally when role-playing as a Dwarf, I tend to go down the wholesome, hearty & honorable route. So I would probably be leaning towards the Kyrian. I also think this fits nicely with your ties to engineering, as they have constructs & mechanical gizmos running around.
If your Dwarf Hunter is more of a lone wolf, with an affinity for nature & a preference for beasts as companions - A Rexxar style character - Then the Night Fae would be a decent pick.
If you consider your Dwarf Hunter more of a mercenary character, ranger for hire, then both the Necrolords & the Venthyr would be great picks… If your Dwarf relishes in combat & battle prowess, then go Necrolords… On the other hand if you like the thrill of the hunt, tracking, politics & parties, then go Venthyr.
It’s the afterlife, this means that it has more to do with your character’s values and mindset rather than their profession or what they were in life. It doesn’t matter much, when a paladin can join Maldraxxus and a death knight can join Bastion, your character can fit in anywhere.
Imo it’s somewhat like this.
Bastion - Lawful Good
Maldraxxus - Chaotic Good
Revendreth - Chaotic Neutral
Night Fae - Lawful Neutral