Help Me Please? /beg

Also avoid GS dang now he will want to check it out of curiosityhell no to the no no no.

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Argent Dawn’s “ERP” is pretty much limited to about 20 or so people sitting around in Goldshire and a few backwater alleys in Silvermoon. Don’t let that put you off of the realm, the other thousands of players don’t participate in that sort of thing. :slightly_smiling_face:


Actually what I have been told Horde on AD don’t actually ERP or ones that do are even fewer in number then on Ally side so they are clean they have no online STDs.

It still exists on Horde but mostly in Silvermoon and it’s fewer than in Goldshire.

I still maintain that in the next patch all Blood Elves must be changed to Ogres and Silvermoon be replaced with a damp cave. Everyone will be happier, whether they admit it or not. :wink:


Hello again, I have made home in AD and as a Dwarf travelled to Goldshire of course out of curiosity.

I think there are more Horde and Alliance at Goldshire in Argent Dawn than there were at SW and OG on my other realm lol.

Some nice RP members strolling around SW too which is pretty cool to see.

Next objective is finding a guild :smiley:

Thank you all again

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Argent Dawn is the place to be. :nerd_face:

OP not sure if I am too late to answer the question but the guild I am in currently is one of the longest existing ones on The Sha’tar and has a large number of people in it and seems social enough we do a lot of stuff weekly as well.

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There is nothing wrong with Goldshire. It is a peaceful, quiet and very friendly place. That is for those with WM turned on. Turn it off and you will never find a more retched hive of scum and villainy.

Argent Dawn though is by far the best server for what you’re after. At least for Alliance, cant speak for the Horde as dont play them and 75% or so of the server is Alliance.

But Stormwind is amazing! Even if you are not into RP there are people everywhere. The atmosphere is great. People chatting, trading and actually acting like they are part of the world. Sometimes i just stop and watch events take place its incredible.

For atmosphere and a great player base Argent Dawn. On Alliance at least.

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Yeah I totally agree. Its thriving and great to see.

Thanks to the previous Sha’tar suggestion too but I think AD has my attention for now

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