Hello, thanks for opening this and please spare me a few minutes of your time?
I want to come home to WoW but my priorities aren’t necessarily what others are.
I have no preferences for factions or classes anymore, I don’t mind PvE and I dont mind PvP. I dont mind RP.
What I am looking for however, is the feeling of community that I once knew.
An Alliance or a Horde realm that i can make my home with a guild that is thriving full of people.
Does anyone have any suggestions on a new place to call home? It really is the people that keep me playing so it is a higher priority for me over most things.
Is there a population site or anyway of finding out the most social realms out there or which guilds have most active players etc?
if its any help, theres servers that I never get an hello from in 5mans (ravencrest, silvermoon, azjol nerub, sanguino, pozzidito something something and dun modr) and ones I get nothing but snotty behaviour and aggression that the group nearly always kicks after they get sick and tired of the endless whining (ravencrest) and ones I always get an hello and gentle fun convos from (shadowsong) so if I were you, id do 10 5man pugs and note which servers give you an hello and seem nice and which ones give you snot and aggression then investigate the server that gives you what youre looking for and then work on which guilds are on there … thatd be a start.
They measure different things, but both tell roughly the same story, in terms of how many people are on servers.
My advice is that your best shot at realm level is Argent Dawn Alliance. I’m sure you can find guilds to your liking on many realms, but I do love AD, where people still /salute and /thank and buff in the world more than I’ve seen on all other realms combined. I’m told that the Horde there, while smaller, also has a good community.
Trade chat is … um, interesting at times. Or not intersting. Personally, I like it.
You might also investigate Communities and Discords to find other people. Communities in general seem to be a bit of a tangle at the moment, with no way to find out what’s what, but Alliance-side I know that Calm Keystones and Scared of Dungeons offer cross-realm communites for doing dungeons, and there’s a Calm Keystones Horde side as well, and the Fail Train Discord goes dungeon and raid runs both sides.
I’d actually echo that, Argent Dawn a)Has a massive realm population, and, well Obviously has RP Guilds as well as just social ones, but a lot of the RP Guilds actually do PvE and PvP as well, RP Realms aren’t all about standing around going “Forsooth good sirrah, you have affronted my honour, Have at thee fiend” Most people do PvE content or PvP scraps, then Be their characters and RP in the evenings to wind down and be social. Both factions are large, Alliance has about 70% of the realm playerbase, but Horde is by no means dead, you can always find something there.
Wiser words have rarely been spoken, its like some weird sex tourism place for off realmers and trial accounts, I mean I know it is overused, but Obi Wan Kenobi coined it “It is a wretched hive of scum and villainy”, no matter how much the native Argent Dawners report and try to clean it up.
If you play human, pick your quests, level up quickly and leave that place behind, never to return…
Another thread which after reading it, made me curious about Argent Dawn.
Just what sorts of debauchery goes on there?
On topic: I’d love a guild where ppl talk about more than just pre m+ gathering.
I don’t want discord, idc about your ugly mugs, microphone troubles, your cat and it’s relationship with the keyboard, your mother telling you to go to bed, embarrasing hitting on the two girls in raid chat or anything like that.
It’s Goldshire. You do not want to go there.
It would be nice if the Horde burned it to ground. Though then it would spread. Better keep to it contained to one area.
I agree with the guilds being hard work to make it thrive. They’re vital and essential to keep people engaged.
Classic is definitely going to be interesting. As a Vanilla player i am up for it for nostalgia however thousands of people that joined from TBC/Wrath onwards are going to absolutely slate it in my opinion lol.
Most Spanish and the main Italian realm. The pozzidito made me laugh my butt off.
Anyways op, I seriously and very kindly suggest you to take a long break from WoW. You shouldn’t, and in any case cannot make a home out of a video game, and trying to do so means there is a real problem.
That is a really good guide one of your finer work I have to say.I was going to recommend him or her my 3 realms that in my good experience are the most fun and friendly community ever .The realms are terrokar, darkspear,and AD most friendly people in the game and fun.And only 2 bad realms of people that i know home of elitist toxic people are Outland and ravencrest realms and to join my guild on terrokar/darkspear realm mercenaries of Quan we are a family guild full of sweet and comedian ppl.