Help me think of a story (solved)

Got my answer, thank you

If your shaman is in touch with the elements, perhaps they’ll see an opportunity to change something from the inside? Like the opposite of corruption, maybe he’ll see the burning of Teldrassil and decide to change something for the better.

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That’s easy enough, just make him follow the Huojin phylosophy instead of Tushui. It focuses on taking action almost immediately to resolve issues instead of Tushui’s more passive, “think things over” way.

You can interpret it as your character being headfirst, but also that he has quick and clever thinking, so he acts fast in most situations.
It’s described better in Vol’jin: Shadow of the Horde, actually, I recommend reading that to learn more about pandaren lore.

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I love it, I think I will use it.

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