Help my server is empty

I have returned after playing classis wow and basically skipping TBC, but wanna prepare to enjoy the start of WOTLK when it comes out. I bought some gametime and loaded in on the TBC live game but the server I have my (classic) character is basically empty, had like 26 people online total.

Are servers really this empty? Was able to go through the portal so i’m definetly on a TBC server.

Some servers are very empty! You gotta join a server that aint :slight_smile:

Which would mean either spending even more money transfering or starting over from level 1?

Yes, however with the XP boost, it will not take long to level, and it is fun! Come over to Firemaw Alliance! Having a blast!

Contacting support cuz it’s kinda ridiculous.

Not got the time to play this as I used to, will prolly end up being lvl 70 to start Wotlk by the time Wotlk is well on it’s way haha

Nothing they can do. Nah it takes like 2-3 days played and you are way into outland! :slight_smile: Start on firemaw and i will give you some gold and bags!

What server / faction are you playing on?
I think only the RP servers are that empty, and you can thank Blizzard for that.
Read here:


I’m on Skullflame, Horde

Which is on the list so guess i’m in luck here

Now finding a good server to transfer to

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be very careful which you choose. Give it some thought before moving. might give you some idea where to go but don’t rely on it too much, make a scout character to take a look yourself.

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