I just started playing MW Monk and was wondering about a macro I wanted to create.
It is supposed to do the following:
- cast Renewing mist / Tiger Palm on mouseover
or - cast Renewing mist / Tiger palm on target if its selected
when pressing ALT - cast Renewing mist on self.
The macro I am using is:
#showtooltip Renewing Mist /use [@mouseover,nodead,harm] Tiger Palm;[@mouseover,nodead,help] Renewing Mist;[@target,nodead,harm] Tiger palm;[@target,nodead,help][@player,nodead,help] Renewing Mist
The only thing not happening is when I press ALT and the target is selected/exists, it does not cast the Renewing mist on myself (if I hit the Escape button(which I want to avoid doing) and clear the target it works - it casts the spell on me.
I tried some combinations with ‘mod:alt’ but it just messes up with the rest of the macro. I am probably doing something wrong but cant figure out what it is.
Thanks in advance for any help.