Help needed with deceased sisters account

My sister passed away suddenly on the 5th Jan. I would like access to her account. WoW was her main game and also mine. I know that I need a death certificate but she was married so we don’t share the same surname anymore. We also only have an interim death certificate since her cause of death is still undetermined (investigation ongoing). How would I go about this? What other documentation would I need (if any)? and where would I send this documentation? Thank you.


I’m so sorry for your loss.

I think you would need to open a ticket so that a GM can look into your request.

I’m not aware of what Blizzard policy in the case of the account of a deceased player beyond being able to request it’s closure or cancelling any active subscriptions.

Another MVP (thank you Ananda) pointed out this support file

You are claiming the account of a deceased relative - To transfer ownership of an account from a deceased account owner, we accept the death certificate.

I hope that helps


You will likely need to submit birth certificates or some sort of family register to prove kinship. Also if you don’t have access to her account you might need to use account recovery, as I’m not sure if a ticket to change the name of the holder can be opened from a different account.