Help required: consolidation macros

Hi all, when I use shift I want to cast AW, as well as Seraphim, but I’m not really sure how. Any suggestions?

/cast [mod:shift] Avenging Wrath
/cast [mod:ctrl]Divine Steed;Judgment

Just write down exactly what you want per condition, ordered by most specific. Because as of now you have 3 no-mod or any-mod actions in your macro. Be as specific as possible.

Looks like you want something like this;
/cast [@player, mod:shift] [@focus, mod:ctrl] Blessing of Protection
/cast [nomod] Argent Defender

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Macros evaluate left to right

/cast [mod:shift,@player] [mod:ctrl,@focus] Blessing of Protection; Ardent Defender
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I think this is what you are looking for

/cast [mod:shift] Avenging Wrath
/cast [mod:shift] Seraphim
/cast [mod:ctrl]Divine Steed;Judgment

to make it shorter
/use [mod:shift]Avenging Wrath
/use [mod:shift]Seraphim;[mod:ctrl]Divine Steed;Judgment

PS i am assuming that either AW or seraphim is off the gcd you may need have to swap AW and saraphim position depending on which one is off the gcd. If both are on gcd you cant trigger them at the same time.

They’re not.

Not possible because of the GCD.


Is it possible to make one macro for setting and losing focus?

Yep, and you can also cast a spell at the same time.

Basic set/clear focus without caring what type of target it is would be:

/clearfocus [mod]

Sets focus on use, clears on modded (ctrl/shift/alt) use.

Could also do like a left click set, right click clear if you wanted to

/focus [btn:1]
/clearfocus [btn:2]
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