Help returning / levelling characters

Hello there, hope you are all well! I would like to return to play and I have couple of characters which I played through Shadowlands. Question is, how can I start playing again when the war within will be released, going through Dragonflight and THEN, only then, starting the war within?

I would like to use the same characters which now are max level for Shadowlands. I bought the collector edition for Dragonflight and collector edition for the war within. I never had time to play Dragonflight unfortunately and therefore I would like to do it now and then pass to the new expansion, all of it, with the shadowland characters.

I know I could start a new one and use chromie time to play dragonflight but I want to play the characters I already have. Additionally, I have a couple of level boost which were included with the collector editions I purchased so I wouldn’t know when and if to use those.


Yes you should be able to pick up where you left off with your Shadowlands characters, you may find you hit 70 before you complete the whole expansion but it’s not awful to carry on at a reduced XP should you wish to see the whole story out first.

thank you, and excuse me if I lack of knowledge :blush: how to I actually go ahead practically in doing so?

I just login?
do I use a level boost? (I assume no)
where do I go to make sure I go through Dragonflight?


You should be able to pick up the starter quests into the Dragon Isles in Orgrimmar/Stormwind depending on what faction you are. This will send you off to the first zone (The Waking Shore) to start levelling.

Then even if you cap 70 while still doing Dragonflight, you can just ignore any call to move on until you want to. Otherwise you should get a prompt in Org/SW again if you want to start on your journey to 80 in the new expansion at that time.

ok understood, so no chromie or anything, just go on with my business into the dragon isles and then once I finish the story, I move to Orgri (I am horde) and then start the 10 levels in the war within which is the normal progression as if I never stop playing, am i right? the characters which played through the Dragonflight, will continue to TWW from 70 to 80 right? thanks once again!

Additionally, I have one character at the Dragon Isles already, the other one still is not there, it’s still in Orgri, will I receive the quest to go to the Dragon Isles or since the war within is released now, the character won’t receive that quest? thanks

Indeed, you shouldn’t need to enter Chromie time.

On my alts I’ve tended to speak to Ebon in Org then just used the portal to Valdrakken in the portal room. I don’t bother doing all the fetch quests, just the cut scene one and go.

thanks, I hope I will be able to figure that out :blush:

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If you get stuck just ask again. Someone will answer your queries.


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