Help to pay subscription

I am free to play status now.
I want to pay subscription and level up my alts before new expansion.
My alts have debuff called “Experience Eliminated”.
I can not remove it with gold because of some sort of Blizzard bug.
GM not answer to tickets, I guess they don’t bother to answer FTP accounts.

Why are you posting this on the Argent Dawn realm forum?
Is it because it’s the first category you can choose when you pick a topic?

ehh I am so nervous

This might be a better place for your problem.

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I cant create new in support because of this topic. Forum says the new topic too similar. How delete this one?

Not 100% sure but if you edit the OP and change the category to support it might move the post, i’ve seen posts being moved from time to time.

I did. Agent Dawn changed to Customer support.

I looked and it seems like you already have a post in support up.

Yep. But I did another mistake :frowning: Instead customer support I choose technical!

Don’t worry, they’ll sort you out.

The problem why I post it on forum is that in-game support hasn’t category like my issue. Then I create in-game tickets under other categories. And then GM just ignore my issue. I tried to communicate in game with GM ,month before. No success. And now only month left before new expansion.

Can you turn your XP gain back on in Org/SW?

I pay gold but nothing happens. Minus 10 gold, and again, when you click NPC with name Behsten in SW. He ask you to pay again and again. I already spend 100-200 gold clicking him. Nothing happens. BTW If you low level like 10-15. Its work fine. But stuck only on level 20 character. The main things irritates me that I closed experience gaining when I was on subscription!!! To not level up this alts. And when subscription ended I cant remove it!!! I payed money to use this service to play level 20 alts.

There seems to be a widespread problem with the xp off feature. I am sure Blizzard will fix it quickly as possible, but in the meantime you can always make a new character as levelling to 20 doesn’t take very long.

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Its not the case. I want these characters. GM can do it easily. Just need to pay their attention on the problem.

If it’s a bug, you’ll have to wait for the devs to fix it. You can report it via the ingame bug report form.
GMs can’t ‘do it easily’ if it’s a bug. They don’t fix bugs.

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yesterday I got GM response.

Hello there, Alexander!
Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment. This is Game Master Iqehwisoga. Hope you’re having a great day.
As I understood, you’re unable to start gaining experience. Allow me to take a look into this for you.
After checking your ticket, If you are unable to start gaining experience again in pre-patch, just enter Ragefire Chasm or The Stockades, as entering a dungeon or battleground re-applies the Experience Eliminated buff, then you can speak to Slahtz or Behsten to start gaining experience again.
Do not hesitate to contact us in Blizzard Entertainment for further questions and inquiries, it’s always our pleasure to assist our valuable players.
GM Iqehwisoga < Blockquote

And it is marked like answer!!! But it not!!!
Player can not remove this debuff by itself IN ANY WAY!
No matter what I do in game, applies reapplies, paying gold or not, nothing happens.
NO WAY TO PLAYER REMOVE IT! Only DEVS can do it. If they can of course.

Unfortunately if it’s currently bugged the only thing you can do is file a bug report in game.

  1. Press Esc or click the ? button to open the menu.
  2. Click Support.
  3. Click Submit feedback or bug report.
  4. Enter the details of the bug into the Submit a bug description box, making sure to follow the guidelines outlined on the submission form.
  5. Click Submit.

You won’t get a response but it will go to the right people. You can then keep an eye out for hotfixes.

If you’ve tried the solution suggested by the GM but you still have an issue you could try escalating that ticket by clicking on the option at the bottom stating you still have an issue.

I got subscription and problem was fixed.
I want to help people who can struggle the same issues.
Look if you have the same conditions:

  1. When you had subscription, you close experience gaining using special NPC in your capital city.
  2. When subscription expired your character with experience closed cant join BG
  3. The same NPC that you used before to close experience, now just take 10 gold, but in fact, cant remove this de buff.

Then solution is to pay subscription again and leave your character without experience closed before end the current subscription.

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