Help with deleting the account

Read again “before anyone tells me to not defend someone for the same reason, I say it because I am in the same boat and sick of hearing it too.” It’s like every damn person asking if I tried yoga. Yes I tried the underwater horse yoga, do you think if there was an answer, we wouldn’t have found it yet?

I have professionals attempting to help me, I don’t need random people who don’t know me or my situation trying to help and that is the main advice in this thread: seek professional help because only they are equipped to offer any real help that is out there. Now I will leave this thread.

OP, one addiction can easily be replaced by another. I know seeking help is difficult for a variety of reasons and I wish you all the luck in the world.


All of this seems like hippie-jumble talk without real meaning.
I’d guess this Bruno guy would just annoy me since he clearly did not understand severe depression and suicidal thoughts on the level that I do; they are not fixed by handwaving quotes of nothingness.


I didn’t quite engage in any commentary of further details: I stated that I have tried pretty much everything and whatever you have said have contained nothing.
You think you know more than you do, and that’s quite clear… You make plenty of assumptions, and you started your quoteness on me with assumptions and claiming I had not tried something before you even talked to me, saying it’d fix my issues.

There’s no wisdom to be gained from nothing-quotes, and that’s all I have heard from this.


I think you can contact Blizz to get your account removed forever.

you can always spam offensive words on /2.

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Because people say “I have tried everything” all the time and really haven’t, because they are stuck in a mindset, which might even be quite directly related to the whole problem complex. (Keyword holistic healing.)

“do you think if there was an answer, we wouldn’t have found it yet?”
That is closely related to the naive-yawny saying about revolutionary technologies: “If it worked, everybody would have it by now.”
It is enlightenment that leads to the understanding of what a challenge to the status quo is. Further steps then educate about the responsibility that everybody has in such a situation.

You also exemplify the fixation on status quo authority, the belief that ONLY those title holders are able to offer “real help”. That’s a belief system, too, and maybe that faith in the profession/system can be helpful, but it can also block solutions where no other work, and bad faith put in an institution by many people tends to cause great harm.

Plus, the whole absurdity/tragedy of going on a quest to try and find a COMPETENT therapist, and wondering how well one can judge that or whether one should just be a puppet in the hands of a stranger and be remolded, or just ripped off for profit.

When it is hard to find professional help, then it tends to suck, because you’re stuck with the leftovers. That’s how the society works that produces all the problems in the first place. The alleged solutions emerge from the same soup.
And among those therapists who seem to produce good results, if one is lucky enough to find one, some of those results might be less than ideal, maybe merely indoctrinating someone into conforming with the sickness in society, adapting, blending in.
Also imagine you need help urgently but finding it takes months. So you try to manage on your own instead. That is also a form of gaining enlightenment about society.

And really bad therapists can be outright TV sitcom material. - This is probably also abetted by the fact that you are supposed to find a therapist that vibes with you, a personal compatibility. But this can mean that bad therapists cherrypick patients that they can control easily to mask their lack of expertise.

Here is an interesting anecdote: Do you know who helped me catching myself during a really tough time during the Covid debacle, who helped me gain crucial insight for changing my habits? … A Youtube doctor talking about keto diet, who has his doctor in some physical therapy and sells food supplements. Weird how things go, huh? I had to resort to a clichée like that because going to a local doctor’s office is a constant experience of appalling-level disappointment. So in a way it was self-help - being open to anything out there, looking at what I haven’t looked at before.

There’s a saying that’s relevant: “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”
(It’s not to be taken very literally.)

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this seems like a weekend thread idk why u replied such a long text here lmao

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Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.
Also done keto many times, great diet, reduces my symptoms but not a magical fix. I do my own research, doctors are largely ignorant of my issues. I -have- tried everything and the majority of it doesn’t do F all. When you are in chronic pain you try anything in the hope you find relief. What you’re saying is nothing new and is still unsolicited advice. We have heard it all before. ALL OF IT.


Lots of projection of your own presumtiousness, distorting my statements and demonstrating how a closed mind prevents healing.
Amazing how you know Bruno Gröning so well after having spent probably no time at all stuying his teachings. You serve as a good example for what I explained. Your suffering doesn’t seem to be so hard when you are not yet willing to give up your attachment to it. You’re still quite picky and snobbish.

From a compassionate standpoint I could say that the issue has you under firm control through the totality of inflicted suffering, basically a trauma situation, leaving you little own decision in the matter. Maybe also a significant portion of hope-lost.
But it is also important to remind of the free will we have, because taking personal responsibility empowers.
That which rejects fresh impulses outside of the familiar mental box is also what causes the suffering. It is a defense/survival reaction of the ‘inner demon’, so to speak.
It’s all fear.

They’re the snob? Oh my. Okay, no point talking to you.


These are all pointers, you know.
You devalue your word. You erode your self-respect. You defy your idea of self-discipline. You are lying to yourself. (Especially the last one can prevent healing.)

When I say I will not talk anymore, I will act accordingly. That gives my words authority. You will probably hate to hear that, your ego is being challenged. But integrity is important for so many reasons, and it helps in healing ourselves.

Of course I could also say that maybe my words have such gravity and authority, that I am so captivating, that I overwhelmed your resolve to leave this thread, but that would really make your ego blow a fuse, haha. Preposterous to consider. It’s always someone else who is to blame, right?

Be careful not to replace an addiction with another worse addiction, you took the first great step and that is you recognize you have a problem.

Seeking help is good and all, but I also understand how hard it is to do so, people usually think yeah just go seek help when things are much more complicated than that.

There are multiple ways to tackle your problem:

  1. Have a close person get access to your account and setup a parental control for you, You don’t have to quit WoW, you can play within a limited healthy amount that suits your schedule.

  2. Abstain as much as you can, then travel / go somewhere else (relative/friend/go camping etc)

  3. Set up goals, play 10 hours a day this week, 8 hours a day for two weeks, 6 hours a day for 2 months, 4 hours a day for half a year > keep reducing till it suits you.

  4. Do various activities, replacing an addiction with another is very easy, it’s better to a be a gym maniac than an unhealthy gamer, you’ll still have to deal with the other addiction but at least its not as unhealthy.

Good luck, and like others said as much as it’s hard to seek help when a situation is very hard and has very real negative effects, seeking help is the best solution.

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why ur so pretentious? stop talking to nimrhys on the topic she asked she doesnt want advice or ‘‘fake advice’’ from forum experts… jeesh


Sometimes we need to seek help in learning how to help ourselves.
Other times, what we need is served with the words as mere carrier wave. This is related to the saying that sometimes being a good friend means simply listening.

I strongly posit that a root of very many of our troubles is societal distance/coldness. Human connection, caring, meaning, all that opens the heart, and with that, healing happens naturallly. (Although the catharsis can be hell, hah.)

There’s actually a damn heap of useless words floating around, because words prompt for strategies that the mind has to implement, but what resonates behind the words determins how well they reach heart-to-heart. (And that is not necessarily based on kindness, but can be based on integrity, which kinda incorporates the benefits of kindness by transcending it.)

Side note for pro-level students here: This is actually how Bruno Gröning could heal people with handing out simple aluminum foil balls. It’s probably nothing in the properties of the object. They are transmitter conduits for intention, for human connection; tokens of caring. They help awaken one’s own healing powers through bridging the material and the immaterial realms.

Healing always takes two.
And the core intention is very powerful.
Two people have a gigantic craving for external input.
One of them can never get enough and keeps feeding the demon.
The other flourishes, calms, and makes great progress once sufficient care has been given, but seems to be like the other person if always given up on prematurely, before a ‘critical mass’ is reached.
There is an important teaching in that, too: There is a minimum that we should have to live healthily. It does not solve the problem to deny that. We all have unique paths in life that come with different needs, and the skilled healer understands that, is aware of what is needed, and then does their best to provide it. Cookie cutter approach is part of the troubles, because it depersonalizes, dehumanizes.

i bet the op be like after this post ‘‘thanks doctor u cured me now im deaddicted human of 2023 ready to conquer the himalayas and MARS xD’’

OP HERE is your answer

  1. long-process- not reliable

either get perma banned by continued /2 spam of offensive words. first u get 1-2 days, then 30 days, (u cant access wow during this period!) and then like 6 months then perma banned.


  1. email blizzard GDPR department and request PERMANENT deletion of YOUR PRIVATE INFO/DATA/account.
    blizzard cannot offer u gaming services if they cant legally hold your private data (IP/name/email/VISA/ID ETC)

link to blizzard request
Blizzard Support - Contact Support (

more reading with relevant stuff:

here is information how to navigate ID photo requests
gdpr - Is it legal for Blizzard to demand a copy of my government id before deleting my account? - Law Stack Exchange

You can now request game data from Blizzard due to the changed Privacy Policy regarding GDPR : hearthstone (

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It seems a bit odd to me that you’re clearly someone smart or at least you appear to be but you somehow can’t understand that there’s a difference between a therapist and a psychiatrist, sometimes your brain simply isn’t wired correctly and there’s no amount of help whether it’s human or otherwise that is going to change it.

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That would be ideal, but I am no doctor, then again we Arabs say an advice is worth a camel.

It’s better to say something and hope you effected someone positively than not to say something at all.

The opposite also applies, it’s better not to say something than to say something and affect someone negatively.

@Lukepukem You should probably reroll troll shaman with some jungle hipster homeless outfit, fits right there with your weed talk.


I seems a bit common that you don’t want to understand that I only mentioned therapists because I meant therapists. :wink:

I don’t approve of the classical “it’s genetic” copout in such matters. It has caused a lot of harm and benefits the drug pushers and generally control-obsessed. It is part of the same problem complex.

There are often various factors contributing to a problem. Working on some of them is wiser than on others. Tweaking with drugs should not mask the more important work that is to be done. And severe issues that seem to have purely physical origin are also telling an origin story, and perpetuating them in not a good solution, but throughout ages there have been inspiring examples of the malleability of the mind, through devoted practice, and it is always more potent to address issues closer to the root. Bruno Gröning would be an example of going very far with that. He didn’t even feed an issue with acknowledging it. He looked at what was pulling the strings underneath and worked there. And we should take a rare occurence of great excellence as inspiring example to follow, as a gift where it is our task now to cultivate it so that more people can benefit from wiser ways.
Instead, most people haven’t even heard of people like Gröning, and society as a whole is to blame for that, because it is negligence and bad priorities. A bit more of that long time ago and it would not be absurd to imagine no one having heard of “Jesus Christ”.

Imagine how many other people of exceptional potential you have never heard of. Imagine how much potential is squandered through free-will choice of folly.

When we open our heart, we can see the other half of the universe.

Focus more on what’s going on inside yourself. I see an obvious blind spot there.

Until then you and Retributor and such are providing a good contrast that underlines my teachings, though.
The wise will choose their teachers and the fools will choose theirs.