Help with harm/help macro

Hi all,

I am trying to reduce the amount of buttons I have, because I suck and can’t handle it :p. What I’m trying to do is combine my harmful/helpful spells into one button, so I can combine some hotkeys. For the macro, I currently have:

#showtooltip Blade of Justice
/cancelaura divine shield
/cast [harm] Blade of Justice;[@mouseover,exists,nodead,help][@target,exists,nodead,help][@player]Flash of Light

Everything seems to work fine, except the macro does not work when I mouseover my character model, nor over my own character portrait. It works fine when I cast on an enemy, or on raid frames (like in arena/bgs), but not when I’m solo.

Can anyone see what I’m missing and help me?


Remove @target from the second condition in the Flash of Light cast and you probably don’t need @player, either:

/cancelaura divine shield
/cast [harm] Blade of Justice; [@mouseover,exists,nodead,help] [exists,nodead,help] [] Flash of Light
/cancelaura Divine Shield
/cast [mod:alt,@player] [@mouseover,help,nodead] [help] Flash of Light; [harm] Blade of Justice; Flash of Light

The issue is the order you had them in. The macro stops at the first true condition, in your case that was as soon as you had an enemy targeted.

Thanks guys! The reason I had it setup the way I did, is because I wanted to prioritise mouseover over target over player. I see now that that’s not really necessary, as you never really target a friendly, then mouseover something else to heal. I’ll use Elvenbane’s macro from now on.

Is there a way to have the mouseover work on your character model as well? Currently it only works on player profile and/or raid frames.

Nope. You cannot mouseover your own model just like you can’t click on it. Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to target things in really close melee range with you. But that’s where the alt self-cast modifiers come into play.

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