Help with Macro for Enemy Targeting Combined with Ability Use

Hi, I’m wondering if anyone could state how to make a macro that, under the condition that I don’t currently have a target, the macro will target the nearest enemy and simultaneously use a specific attack ability that will be part of the macro. However, if I do currently have a target, then the macro should not attempt to acquire a new target and instead retain the target on the current enemy I have targeted while still using the set attack ability that is put in the macro. Really appreciate help, thank you.

/cast SPELL

That doesn’t target anything. Moreover, if in the middle of combat I move far enough away from my current target and become closer to another enemy, a normal targeting ability would just switch to that enemy, instead of retaining my original target like I want. Not a helpful reply.

You sure you actually put the macro on your bars? It does exactly what you want:

  1. Target an enemy if you don’t currently have something targeted.
  2. Doesn’t switch targets if you currently have one.

I’ve been using this exact macro since BC for those exact reasons.

Ok, I’ll try it out and get back to you.

Edit: Yeah, this actually worked! Thank you! :slight_smile:

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