Help with macro

hi all i try to let this druid macro work, the skill are in italian because my client is italian.

/castsequence [@target,harm][spec:3/4]Forma d’Orso(Mutaforma);[spec:1/2]Forma Felina(Mutaforma),Craniata;[@target,help][@player]Forma di Lunagufo,Battito d’Ali

in this form work fine
#showtooltip Craniata
/lancia [spec:4]Forma d’Orso(Mutaforma)
/lancia [spec:1]Forma Felina(Mutaforma)
/lancia Craniata
but i wanna add if i have no targhet to switch bom form and cast slow fall

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#showtooltip [harm] Craniata; Battito d’Ali
/lancia [spec:3,noform:1,harm] Forma d’Orso(Mutaforma); [spec:2,noform:2,harm] Forma Felina(Mutaforma); [noform:4,noharm] Forma di Lunagufo
/lancia [harm] Craniata; !Battito d’Ali

Posting the English version in case I misunderstood something

#showtooltip [harm] Skull Bash; Flap
/cast [spec:3,noform:1,harm] Bear Form(Shapeshift); [spec:2,noform:2,harm] Cat Form; [noform:4,noharm] Moonkin Form
/cast [harm] Skull Bash; !Flap

If you have an enemy targeted and…
Are Guardian and not in Bear Form then Cast Bear Form
Are Feral and not in Cat Form then Cast Cat Form
Else If you’re not in Moonkin Form
Cast Moonkin Form

If you have an enemy targeted then
Cast Skull Bash
Cast Flap


Hi first of all thanks for the help, I was already following your other macro posts and I always wanted to be able to ask you for clarification, I tried as you put it for me with the skills in Italian, I tried on mannequins but this way it transforms me from one shape to another 'other and that’s it, skills don’t come in

You need to hit it twice. First press shapeshifts you (if you’re not already in the correct form), 2nd uses the ability. So you’ll want the button in the same place for all 3 forms.

If you remove the stuff after #showtooltip and use the ? for the macro icon you can see what it’s actually going to cast.

Made some tweaks after testing it in-game. The way I had it before it was shifting you into Moonkin on 2nd press rather than using Skull Bash. Also, some of the spec/form numbers were wrong for Retail.

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so the new version you tested work fine?
sorry, I was busy this month and couldn’t reply immediately, and now that the thread has been closed I didn’t know how to contact you, but in the end, how is the macro you tested after the Tweaks written?



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