Help with rogue macros for a new rogue


I am starting a rogue and I have never played one before so I am looking for some handy macros from fellow rogue players.

I am going to play Sub spec, so if there are any spec specific macros too that would be great. Right now all I have is the Shadowstep/Kick macro but I’d like to see what other people use, thanks! :slight_smile:

Palumor on YT

I would recommend a macro that uses both Symbols of Death and Shadow Dance together.


Handy macros for PVE might be to mouse over kick/blind/gouge.

Supposedly you lose a GCD when swapping bars from normal to stealth bars and its worth macroing shadow dance and shadowstrike into one key bind supposedly? (not 100% sure about this)

for pvp if you do 3’s you want arena 1 2 3 macros or you can settle for focus target macros instead for kick, blind, kidney. and shadow step kick/kidney.

you could also macro your dps trinkets into symbols

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Look at this guy for some nice macros ← link.

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