Help with rugged leather for Winterspring Frostsaber

Hey, my niece saw me playing WoW classic a couple of months ago and started asking me questions, and wanted to find snow leopards. We managed to find a few and tame them on my hunter, but she was also interested in the different mounts I have and asked if we could ride them. I said there was one but it was difficult to get. Anyway I said we could start, and we made our way to Winterspring only to find out that you need to be Alliance, and I was playing Horde.

Undeterred, we made a character on retail and began the process. Levelling to 15, travelling to Winterspring, beginning the quest and I’ve been doing the dailies since. Tomorrow shes coming over with my sister and luckily tomorrow is also the day I’ll get the last whisker and I have the gold, but I don’t have enough to buy the leather and I can’t level skinning high enough in time.

I’m hoping someone here has the generosity to be able to give me the leather so we can ride on our new mount tomorrow, I can offer gold on Gehennas classic if you’d like to trade.


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