So basically, I want this macro to heal friendly targets, attack enemies and to heal me, with an alt modifier, but it’s just not working and keeps changing targets too.
Any help would be greatful!
/cast [help][mod:alt][@player] Soothing Mist
/cast [help] Soothing Mist
/cast [harm][exists][nodead] Tiger Palm
Basic Help/Harm Macro
This will cast one spell when mousing over or targeting a friend and another when mousing over or targeting an enemy.
/cast [mod:alt,@player] [@mouseover,help,nodead] HELP_SPELL; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] HARM_SPELL; HELP_SPELL
/cast [mod:alt,@player] [@mouseover,help,nodead] Soothing Mist; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] Tiger Palm; Soothing Mist
November 25, 2020, 1:04am
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