Helping new guys find their place among "1k+ RIO" and "Get Friends Club"

There’s dungeon journal ingame giving you information on all mythic0 bosses, massive amount of guides and online information including videos, you need all but watch/read, though for mythic0, all you need is to maintain body temperate somewhere around 37 degrees. And don’t forget to breathe. At this point geared tanks can pull all trash to first boss, especially prot warriors.

And I understand you want to give people way to practice, but best way to practice is through trial and error, doing m0 and m2-3 runs to learn mechanics, then push keys.

Wow is an MMORPG game, you have to play with others and maybe socialize eventually.

Now I do agree we need actual tutorials, scenarios and teaching players how to play.

One thing I noticed in WoD was, there was a quest where you and a couple of soldiers attack a mob, this mob then begins to cast a dangerous AoE, and a bubble appears to protect you, then all the soldiers move inside this bubble and then move out when the cast is done.

I think like you said it is possible to create scenario teaching dungeons that help players be familiar with the game.

If you play a solo game and wipe, you’ll probably want to retry/take a rest/quit/come back later/(your choice), but if you play with a team, you might want to retry but they might have other choices, now if the mess up was because of your own lack of experience you might get blamed and as a new comer that feels bad.

Also having scenarios can determine the level of content the player wants, if I feel like something is too hard for me then I would just avoid doing content that is that hard, if I feel like I can’t get past a type of content I can just go practice it in the training scenario.

One thing many players don’t know about is the proving grounds, proving grounds in my opinion is an awesome way for player to learn, however as expansions dragged on the tuning got out of hand and you can almost afk to round 600 now, but the idea is still the same it provides you with a semi real environment and a dps quota to meet while handling mechanics for beginners that is.

Can’t get into m0? Hahaha

uhm… well i am not inexperienced, but I recently leveled 2 chars to 120 and equiped them within 2 days to almost 370.
I did almost all m0 dungeons on both chars and started doing so around lvl 340-350, so pretty low.
I got almost instant inv as dd to any m0 group i applied. Mind you that my RIO score is not shown on an alt that hasn’t done any m+
I was surprised why I even was invited, because I always thought people want 380+ (even though its stupid).

I found 2 things:

  1. I am invited because really no one wants to do m0. I opened a group with my ilvl 405 tank for a rng m0 dungeon and waited 10mins. Only people with garbage ilvl applied, so you gotta take whats there or wait forever

  2. people with high ilvl without RIO are really bad. Not only at dungeon mechanics (thats ok, because you are there for learning?) but they are also terrible at their 3 button class. I mean seriously, I outdamage ilvl 400 people with my 340 mage? That should never happen.

Anyways TL:DR:
Even with low ilvl you can join m0 and no one actually cares about RIO for that. People would prefer to do so, but actually you won’t find people and RIO is not shown for alts that didn’t reach 200 RIO by themselves

Apologies but I also strongly disagree with this topic. Ibelieve it is already very accesible, and currently even easy, to run Mythic 0 up to +3 and stuff.

I dont believe new players should be walked hand in hand in this type of competitive content.

It is very easy as is, and is very easy as of 8.1.5 to gear up from Emissaries etc to practically outgear this level of dungeon.

If you as the player are not willing to step up your game and find how to maximize ur dps/heal etc by searching info or learn the dungeons and affixes through research and practise, I see no reason for Blizz to walk you through it.

Blizz has come a looooong way (and I play since Vanilla trust me) in making mechanics visible and having audioand sound warnings, so u just need awareness really.

Good luck :slight_smile:

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