
Hello, I think there is a problem. I am getting less herbs from looting then any other previous weeks.

Main problem is that i have max level Bountiful Harvest and also have 20 point in bubble poppy which give 2 times increased finesee for that herb. Still im able to get in the most of time only 2bubble poppy rank 2 and only that. Where is problem ? Seems like there is seriously no difference even if I spend all points there.
Also have 20 points in saxifrage + other tree filled and i manage to get 1 saxifrage rank 2 from herb spot ? How is one even possible. Tbh i dont get it, feels like spending point in gathering doesnt even matter…

Also Minig, have full point in perception, fineese and main mining proces also full in point. Still I am able to gain only 2x serevite ore rank 2 from 1 mining ore.

Why is it so low when I am spending all point in gathering ? Seems like bug because I was able to loot a lot more in previous weeks with less points. Please look at that and give me call. I will be welcome to read there is actually bug :slight_smile:
Wish you great day !

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