Here-Ye! Here-Ye! Forum’ers are summoned! 🥳

I really like roleplaying. Or was that part a joke? :slight_smile:

It started out with a rp idea, but it never really took off.

Originally the venture included a Horde Guild on Argent Dawn and they did some RP events. I think the guild still exists.

We don’t really have anyone organising events any more, it takes a lot of time and effort to coordinate. I’m not an RPer myself but I did enjoy some of the achievement runs.

It did, I was chasing you the whole time at the last event. Unfortunately Kyrel and Soul were chasing me.

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That wasnt an rp event though, that was pvp :laughing: with some rp included i guess :sweat_smile:

I like both roleplaying and achievements. I mean, not an expert at either one, but it is enjoyable ways to pass time. :heartpulse:

I still miss it. Nothing against the new leadership, but it’s lacking imo.

Pfff Bunch of hordes players and even you Twiluna you may be one my few favorite poster by a margin , traitrors all of them ! And no such things as raiding cities, carnage and stuff !

We do have some Alliance players too!

Really ? You mean a few ones or plenty on the how many peope you said you have 200+ ? You shoul of precise that kind of thing before !

Hmm? Shiro is going back to horde, Kyrel is probably playing more his horde DH than his alliance char. Twi is twi, he’s more intested in forum pvp than anything else. The true alliance players are probably ~10% of the discord.

The bulk of the playerbase is Horde, that is reflected in our membership too.

I’m Alliance!

DH hasn’t done a single key this season because almost my whole group is playing FFXIV and abandoned me. I don’t even have KSM yet because I’ve got no one to play keys with and I’m really really not going to pug


Hmm There ar a few hordes peopel I govery well with aswell though I have no idea if they are but prbably on one of the most popular forum discord, I think of Amazoner, Twiluna, Furyeclipser, i forget many.

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You could check in the server settings, how many people have the LFG-Alliance role to get a rough idea (especially if somepared to the amount of people who have LFG-Horde)

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If you need a “healer” I can help with KSM, still have 2 months to play.

I thank you a lot but my DH is still S1 geared so I probably will skip Horde this season - and my Ally DK is like almost halfway through already

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OMG, that’s what I’d say is a real hate towards SD xD

Not at all, it’s probably one of my favourites - I just don’t get lucky enough to have the key yet :smiley:

Poke if u need heals Kyrel :slight_smile: