Here-Ye! Here-Ye! Forum Discord! 🥳

Gnomism is the best kind, right? Isn’t that right Twi…?


That’s why invisibility potions were invented!

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im sure shes fine. she just left the discord one year ago, thats what i meant. its boring without her because we got along so well. We even have the same birthday. she was like my twin.

in terms of gaming the last i saw her was in March when i took a break

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I’m not an alchemist… I prefer to use my trusty Gnomish Cloaking Device!

Just need to tinker a bit on how long the invisibility power lasts for… starts tapping parts with a tiny hammer

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Corrected it for you, believer! :wink:

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Nice bunch, very welcoming indeed.


Everyone needs a home.

We used to be close friends and PMed more or less frequently.

Ever since her breakup, she’s been feeling very sad and broken, so I kept her company to get through, especially since shortly before we met, sorrow’s almost went a bit too far.

According to Schmusedecke, she deleted her discord and probably made another.

She didn’t respond to my PM, but was online a couple hours ago.

But no one really knows what happened. What I do know that she is a bit edgy, but very untrusting to people. :frowning_with_open_mouth: Can only hope she is alright.

I did an Uldir Mythic with her shortly before my break. There was nothing out of the ordinary.


That’s good to hear. I accidentally removed her from my friends list as I was cleaning the list before I took the break.

Yeah I’ve been feeling very down mentally a few months ago. It’s even worse when no one really checked on me to see if I was ok when I left. It’s as if they just accepted that I was gone.

But sometimes you go through those “tough” phases and when you are ready you come back or move on to another game. As I said before, me and her have a lot in common. When we chatted on discord we noticed our similarities. I will never forget her kindness and friendliness. She made me feel less lonely in wow.


Serena can’t post atm as she’s out of game time however she sent me this to send to you in reply:-


I’m afraid to ask…

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I’d rather you hadn’t

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Awww thank you. A bit too stereotypical for a pandaren lady, but I will accept it.

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I doubt Serena wants her personal story over WoW forums just like i dont want my real name in threads or being spoke about in general thanks.

GL Twil with FF :kissing_heart:

As for me due to people on forums i am leaving as they are making ill due to stress.

So bye from me.


Happy to hear she’s alright. Had me worried :frowning_with_open_mouth:


We no likey, but we shall respect decision

Until we meets again, accept gift:


I’m sorry people here have stressed you.

One day when someone can explain to me in words of one syllable what Discord is and how it works, I might join. I do appear to have an account on there which I don’t remember making, but it must be from way back.


I’d explain discord as “Multiple chat rooms getting spammed at once while some people talk on voice instead”