The discord community has so far run a number of initiatives:
- Glory of achievements for Uldir and EN/NH
- Horde and Alliance normal Ny’alotha runs
- Horde HC Ny’alotha (in progress)
- RP story campaign led by Brigante
In addition there is a LOT of chat, plus people grouping up for transmog runs, m+, gearing for Herald of the Titans and more. With people who have experience in many different areas (raiding, m+, PvP, collections, gold making) there’s a lot of useful help and advice to be had. As well as lots of banter and laughs. A lovely community that I’m very happy to be a part of 
Thank you Ceran!
And yeah, many more events to come 
I’m also very happy with the community. It’s not big but it’s really fun and the events we do usually end up really cool. 
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I’d like to join, but it’s only for hordies I fear. 
Oh no haha theres quite alot of ally’s there xD maybe a little horde bias but we try to cater too all :3
I read better Ceranity’s post, maybe I could register me and an horde alt? 
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I’m Alliance main
I’d say we are 50/50 almost
I can’t permit that a gnome take decision for me. But I guess he’s right about that.
Pffff that Tauren: always complaining 
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There are alliance folks aswell, and a goat…
Wait they are? Damn i need to get on board for this
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Yes, we had a forum post up about it recently - we started last Saturday and had several tries on N’zoth (thank you skip quest!). We plan to continue this Saturday to get curve for those who need it. We have plenty of people who already have curve helping out.
The plan is to do an Alliance version afterwards - trying to do both at once isnt practical time-wise, but once we do it on Horde we’ll make an Alliance event. So I’ll suddenly need to gear my Alliance priest if I want to help out!
Hey Twiluna where have you been past few weeks?
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O wow, here and there, recovering business wise from the whole pandemic thing xD it was quite a {redacted}show xD
I’m confused, so what exactly is this discord for and why would we not just do it on the forums?
and what is the purpose of these polls?
Well its a bit more organized and we can get forum vacations if we banter about non related stuff in all the threads :3
Also we can discuss other stuff there thats not appropriate discussing in the forums.
The polls are to see what event people are interested in doing next usually.
It’s basically a community of people from the forums (with other friends too) where we chat and organise activities (which are usually advertised on the forums as anyone can come along). The forums are great but too much general non-WoW chat is spammy and not really encouraged on the forums!
We use polls sometimes to determine what activities to organise, how many are able to join and so on.
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