Here-Ye! Here-Ye! Forumers Are Summoned! 🥳

I’m confused, so what exactly is this discord for and why would we not just do it on the forums?

and what is the purpose of these polls?

Well its a bit more organized and we can get forum vacations if we banter about non related stuff in all the threads :3

Also we can discuss other stuff there thats not appropriate discussing in the forums.

The polls are to see what event people are interested in doing next usually.

It’s basically a community of people from the forums (with other friends too) where we chat and organise activities (which are usually advertised on the forums as anyone can come along). The forums are great but too much general non-WoW chat is spammy and not really encouraged on the forums!

We use polls sometimes to determine what activities to organise, how many are able to join and so on.

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Join in the fun!

It is an immensely busy discord, so much chatter it’s hard to keep up!!! :two_hearts:



We are having a Shadowlands-announcement watch-party in the Discord tonight if anyone’s interested :slight_smile:

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Ill bring the beers :beers:

Seeing as how the forums can get a bit messy at times, the discord has a I-AM-MAD section aswell to vent xD

Wait there’s a forum discord? That’s neat.


Yes yes :smile:

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Very glad you joined :grinning:

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Reminder the discord is still ongoing and and strong, quite aloooot of forumers are on there. come join us and have a chat!

We are having a wargame this weekend :slight_smile:

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Horde baby!!!

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I am coming for you.


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don’t announce that as a DK or people will be able to run away


walk away surely.

“OH no here comes an alli… oh… wait it’s a dk. OK just slowly amble…”

remember the fun forum pvp event yall!

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