- Noone wants their power tied to a specific zone, event, enemy type or raid. Borrowed power feels fake, every time you go literally anywhere else you realize how weak you truly are
- You permanently fall behind if you fail to do the objectives in any given week, which is dumb
- Other raids become almost irrelevant due to the sheer difference in loot power
- All the effort we’ve put in developing our characters and all the progress we’ve made is now invalidated because a freshly levelled toon can easily outperform you via the sanctified mechanic alone
- Sanctified gear breaks class balance, thus reintroducing the old bad DPS discrepancy between classes and specializations which SoD fixed
I know that probably the reality will not be as dire as we imagine now, but honestly the description of this mechanic alone brings back half a dozen bad memories, so please tune it down a little so that we do not get some horrid amalgamation of artifact power and corrupted gear