Here's why sanctified mechanic is bad

  1. Noone wants their power tied to a specific zone, event, enemy type or raid. Borrowed power feels fake, every time you go literally anywhere else you realize how weak you truly are
  2. You permanently fall behind if you fail to do the objectives in any given week, which is dumb
  3. Other raids become almost irrelevant due to the sheer difference in loot power
  4. All the effort we’ve put in developing our characters and all the progress we’ve made is now invalidated because a freshly levelled toon can easily outperform you via the sanctified mechanic alone
  5. Sanctified gear breaks class balance, thus reintroducing the old bad DPS discrepancy between classes and specializations which SoD fixed

I know that probably the reality will not be as dire as we imagine now, but honestly the description of this mechanic alone brings back half a dozen bad memories, so please tune it down a little so that we do not get some horrid amalgamation of artifact power and corrupted gear


Yeah the Sanctified gear system is utterly bad, I dont play retail but some retail players says this is how they do it on retail, so I guess they think its a good system.

Its just bad that if you lose rolls for 1-2 weeks you are so behind its crazy, getting alts in gonna be hard aswell with all the “LFM Naxx, have trinket at lvl 10 and atleast 2-3 Sanctified items, gear check”

Let’s take a system(talking about borrowed power) that you already used on live, and not many people are fans of it even there, and put it in a version of the classic, that is almost the antithesis of live, surely people will fawn over it…

Maybe if we kept the insane power creep in check starting with T1 we wouldn’t need to make tier sets with bonuses against undead now. MAN is this always the issue with WoW… power creep always getting out of hand, on live and now here too.

Easy fix: make sanctified gear stack to 4x maximum, would make aq40 tier/offpiece still viable.
Make the argent dawn dmg bonus 25% trinket account-wide and not a trinket, only to be in bag to give buff and the dmg bonus should work against all non-player controlled targets

Also change the setbonuses to work against anything, not only undead, its lame as f

In all the expansions blizz has had throughout the years, borrowed power has never been popular.

Do they ever learn?


Even lore vise the paladin and smitepriests (if we could have dem) should rule in nax becous every thing is built to fight undead. Ret now is fighting to stay away from the last 3-4 places in sucky damage.

well imagine playing a destro lock to find out that yet again your getting rodgered again. another phase where you simply cant even close to an afflcition lock in the less gear. change spec you say. honestly. i dont want to. but its looking like im going to have 0 choice in the matter as developers and anyone on the discord lock forums just think its completely acceptable sadly :frowning:

Raid gear, from a raid that you’re clearing, that makes you more powerful only in the raid that you’re already clearing.

I find it baffling that this would be the solution.

The issues I believe they are trying to address are:

  • Previous raids have us clearing them without needing any of the gear from the raid. This led to everyone clearing raids in week 1, rather than actually having to progress boss by boss.
  • In MC, we couldn’t even use the raid gear because of heat levels forcing us into fire res gear for a long time… in order to get more loot we couldn’t use.
  • PvP. If Naxx gear simply kept scaling upwards, and so does the new Scarlet raid, then all earned PvP gear becomes obsolete. This was a problem in vanilla.

The Sanctified mechanic is a poor one. I don’t have a suggestion for how they could address these issues, but it seems like if the gear is useful at all, then to obtain it you’ll already have to be clearing the raid.

I have to say that I don’t like it. It feels like it’s not real gear. So we’ll be doing insane numbers, but the bosses will need to be tuned for that right so as not to be a cakewalk? And then when we go into the next (and probably last) raid our numbers will be lower. Feels bad to me.

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I understand you becous they talked early about being able to play after your class fantasy.
Yes they aded alot and its good but they just forgot some (my smitepriest) and they missed or its just to har to balance classes and specs.

Only ppl benefitting from this system is ppl who only pvp, so if keeping the rank 14 relevant this was a good way

I actually like the idea that it should take longer before we can defeat bosses in the hardest way. But this could have been done so much better.

The specific gear requirement, for me, is really terrible—it makes the difference between the gear we have and the gear we get way too big.

I do like that it’s a trinket we get, as there’s often a lot of competition for trinkets and only a few drop. However, since it only works in Naxx, it just feels like a “meh” trinket. So all the effort you put into it feels wasted (and it’s not very alt-friendly either).

For me, just remove that trinket.

Add an NPC that gives you a buff each week, which gradually gets stronger over time (like in ICC). This would keep their time-gating intact but also make it easier to pug on alts in the long run.

Beyond that, they could add something to give the elite players a goal. For example, let the NPC have an option to disable the buff. If you clear Naxx on difficulty 10 without the buff, you earn a title, e.g., “The Tryharder.”

PvP isn’t really my main focus, but we’re at a point where, instead of limiting things, we probably need some new PvP gear.

Introduce some new low-rank gear (for lvl 60) so new players or alts have an easier time getting into PvP and don’t just run around as freebies.

Maybe add a new Rank 15 set that has advantages in PvP but can still be used in the open world. And help fix some of the balance issues.

Additionally, you could make PvP gear scale down when you’re in dungeons and raids, and make PvE gear scale down in battlegrounds.

I have mixed feelings about the way it will work in NAx.
Good: No one whit no life cant grind for max lvl trinket and therefor cant just be done in 2veeks. The modern WoW is so elitist so it demands you got all before every one else. If people can get all and do all fast it also meens you quit faster. So most posetive here is that it is time limits for how fast you can upgrade your trinket.

The part i dont like is: Its short and easy its you have no use for it outside Nax and derefor you will have to build 2 set. Needing 2 set meens more competition ower items and in the end there will always be folks who ends up faling to far behind.