Here's why the server lags and people can't tell what's going on in combat

Hey, let’s restore what damage text used to look like in WoW and see how things have developed.

… well.

Remember, even if you hide these numbers, the server still has to process them and the animations on characters still play. That’s our problem. Right there.


Yep. And everyone does a million numbers. Might be worse with procs and trinkets and pets, etc.


Absolutely right, that’s from last expansion so the numbers don’t even take as much space as they do now due to their sheer size, but bigger numbers don’t cause lag or animation issues, so I ignored that aspect of it.

Though, of course, we just got hero talents, so there are definitely more procs now as well…

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Oh, I mean, a million numbers, not a million in numbers. As in 1 million things need calculating. However especially 32bit based games have a limit on calculations, which is why Diablo 3’s greater rift 150 is the last for example. Clearly it does put a strain on processors and the servers enough if the numbers start getting bigger.

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lets be honest not everyone has screens and text like that.

Too many procs of everything, and small bits of dmg from there and there instead of few meaningful.

10x some random procs increasing dmg % of something specifically or flat stat increase also puts strain on processor.


For example, why does eye beam tick every 0.5 seconds? Is that really necessary?

But yeah also just things like Ice Lance AoE’ing and there being two Ice Lances. So an ability that used to hit one target now hits 2 targets then AoE’s each of the 5 targets twice. So that’s an increase of a factor 12. 1 GCD, 5 targets, 12 hits. What the hell?

Like, I actually can’t even single target anymore. Frost Mage has no spell left that can single target. Frostbolt will cleave during Icy Veins, Ice Lance always cleaves, Glacial Spike cleaves, and all the other spells are AoE, and they’re all fire and forget as well, whereas they used to be channels.

It’s absolutely ridiculous. The servers can’t keep up with this. I want them to roll it back. It’s not even fun.

So many classes have that. People were complaining during BFA that their character was throwing things they didn’t press and I feel that with most classes even now.

The point is, it gets calculated whether you have it shown or not. That’s what Ishayo’s point is.

Oh it’s way worse now. Keeping someone sheeped with another target within 15yd is literally impossible.

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The engineers know that but the combat desIoners possibly don’t. I am certain the engineers at some point gave up on trying to convince the upper ranks that the servers can’t keep up.

The thing is though, does anyone actually enjoy this?

Like, when you play, do you sit there thinking “oh it’s so cool I can have 10 orbs and a Blizzard and Ice Lance AoE up at the same time while comets fly from the sky simultaneously!”?

I mean sure, it’s flashy. But what’s the decision making here? It’s pretty much all procs or cooldowns that you need to use in any AoE situation. There is no strategy at all here.

I would say that I used to and the growth from basic abilities to twilight devastation felt great. Buuuut I would also say that right now I would really appreciate to be able to control what my buttons do. (so basically impossible this upcoming patch). Think it just got old.

Think we could do with a nice middle ground with some who get all da procs and explosions and some who get very deliberate attacks that feel so much more impactful. It just so happens that most abilities feel bad when an enemy you fight has 5 million health and you hit for nothing with your “filler” frostbolt. Could be that pruning such effects and a few buttons would make each ability feel more impactful but that’s just me.

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Visual clarity is already poor, why you’d then go and have all those meaningless flashing numbers taking up half your screen is beyond me.

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i was reading your points only as i have that nasty troll on ignore. the fps and lagg happen in HC and SoD so its not just a retail only thing.

Personally I don’t. But people in their teens to mid-twenties do. And those are the audience the higher-ups want to attract, especially since it’s the generation that has grown up accustomed to microtransactions in videogames and considers them a natural part of them.

I will leave aside the tinfoil-hat theory that the servers that handle Classic, HC and SoD are of lower calculation capabilities compared to those of Retail. After all, logic dictates that it should be identical to them.

I remember that when Classic was made available, it was explained that they didn’t actually get Vanilla to play as it used to. Instead they emulate it with the modern infrastructure. So Classic, HC and SoD are facing the situation of needing more calculation power for anything happening compared to what Vanilla used to. The result are the small spikes that plague those versions instead of the constant lag that using Bloodlust does in Retail.

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Well, there are at least two of us, I’ll tell you that much.

I, too, would rather have a rewarding, ordinary frostbolt cast, as opposed to having instant frostfire bolt procs with faster casts the more I use that splits into three that AoE’s around them and much of the damage gets stored and has to be unleashed with an ice lance and bla bla bla.

Just gimme a 900k frostfire bolt with a 2 second cast time. Done. I don’t care about all this gunk all over my class. Just give me an honest-to-God simple spell that deals good damage. That I have control of, that I can see, that’s clearly understood.

Sure it’s flashy and sure that’s fun for a bit, but if you lose understanding of what all the flash is, and most of the time it just spreads a hundred tiny numbers around, it’s just noise.

Of course you wouldn’t. That addon would drive me insane.

The point is that if you put that same addon in vanilla, which you wouldn’t because it’s default but ignoring that for a second, it’d look perfectly normal. Because there are just not that many numbers.

Ha, I doubt it. Have you actually seen DotA, LoL, and Fortnite? Less abilities and powerups happen in the span of 10 minutes in either of those games than happens in 1 minute in WoW.

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I hope they don’t do stat squish after TWW - I want to to 90 billion dps and trillion crits

They’re almost certainly squishing us. I’m not looking forward to how broken stuff will be again

Let man have dreams, woman.

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  • We’ll get into some large numbers next expansion, but there’s no planned stat squish in TWW - there will almost certainly one in 12.0 / Midnight, though they’ve gotten pretty good at them now.