What do you think, should DH’s have their own heritage armor or are they considered as Blood elves and Night elves? Yes, they are elves but they are quite different than the original versions of them. Also, Blood elf demon hunter with Blood elf heritage armor does not look good IMHO.
While we are at it, do you think it should be better to add class specific heritage armors instead of race ones?
Plenty of class specific armor out there and class/spec weapons and mounts which we got through legion. The heritage armor is what is meant to be. Racial armor.
I am wearing what I believe to be my heritage armour. Darkshore alliance armor represents nelf esthetics in the best way imo.
Same as BfA plate season 1 pvp lion set is a heritage for human paladins/warriors.
I wish I could do more WF on my showman to get few missing pieces of mail set and my all of my 4 armour types nelf armour will be complete ^^
P.S. not a huge fan of nude nelfs strip squads which we saw at BoD raid questline.
this isn’t a heritage but a simple skimpy log.
nothing wrong with that, but nelf culture isn’t about striptease. no matter what happens in Goldshire.
First of all what is a definition of Heritage Armor? Heritage Armor of X is an armor that is meant to represent what it means to be an X. That shows of that you are an X. Armor set that is exclusive for X.
So in terms of class almost any class armor works perfectly and in Legion they started adding armor sets with much more custom geometry so those are on par with the quality of heritage armors. And because if you speak of heritage armor for a class it doesn’t need to be cosmetic because it’s gonna be used by on class anyway.
I consider starting armors as a good equivelants of heritage armor for Demon Hunters. And because I like to make sets more custom here my Demon Hunter combining elements of 4 armor sets from Legion.
There are plenty of class themed sets in the game. Race themes armors are kind of lacking, mostly you find human/orc themes and some troll themes. We also got Night Elf and Forsaken theme in BfA. So no, they should be race themed armors because we already have specific armors for every class.
You’ll get a a money sign tattoo on your lower back and a street corner to work the mean streets of Dalaran making money for your bi-polar pimp Illidan.