Heritage of the Void

Hello everyone,

I cannot seem to be able to start this quest, cause Alleria does not appear at Telogrus Rift!

Any ideas, ty?

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are you phased for the new qline? try abandoning those qs and try again

Thank you for your answer! I’m sorry, I’m fairly new and I don’t understand. The new qline is the Dragonflight one? I did abandon everything about it and I still cannot see her!

Yes the new one added in dragonflight. if its not that did you level the character or boost it?

I have the same problem, there are another post about that on the US forum:

Have you done the Harbinger quest line?

That will be phasing stuff in all sorts of ways…

If you’ve started that quest line then finish it.
If you haven’t started then abandon it (if you can).

In my case, I have the quest completed. After entering the command:

See if you’ve already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(81654))

the game returned “true” to me.