Any plans for heritage weapon models?
I noticed some Dark iron NPC’s with some really cool looking hammers in thier starting area. Blood elves also have some awesome looking weapon models, especially the shield.
I know Tauren are getting heritage armour with a totem on their back but it would be nice if they had a 2h mace that was a totem model just like in the OG cinematic.
Think artifact weapons count as heritage kind of
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I’m still waiting for my Void Elf datamined 7.3.5 weapons…
I think they will come in at some point - locked behind some crazy grind 
They’ll come, eventually. Be happy to even have heritage armor. Still waiting on a play-testable worgen/goblin model here as it is.
I’m more excited about that than 8.2
It would be nice to have matching weapons for all specs in the future.
Not to go too off topic but if we are going to get them and the fact that there’s so much emphasis on the races this expansion I sure would love an update to the original racial mounts. I can barely even look at my dwarven Rams 
Is that because you can only raise your head as far as their thighs?
/Scurries off giggling.
Yes. My Belf is silly with a troll bow…
There is plenty of weapons out there that have racial artwork.
How about the sunwell bow ?
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Not really, he meant the Nightborne and Void elves weapons and that Dark Iron Warhammer datamined ago.
The fact with the Heritage Weapons (let’s call them as this, because it’s basically that) unfortunally are only made for random guards, and to be honest is something that i don’t understand, i can undestrand if are weapons tied to a certain important character, but these are just guards…just let us obtain them, maybe with a secondary chain quest that instead requiring the level 110, it require 120, take this a something like another reward if you “menage” to do the other last 10 level instead of stopping right after the heritage armour unlock. Atleast they would give some more sense in what they have created.
You can check on wowhead the models i’m refering to, just search with “Void Elves Heritage Weapons” and it should be the first article popping up on google, there are even some heritage weapons datamined for the Dark Iron Dwarves, but i can’t find the article on wowhead, you can check them on google or by doing the Dark Iron Dwarves unlock scenario, here the guards wear the weapons i’m refering to (yeah, i can’t link articles, wich is strange case i already have done it some days ago)
Should of had them in the first place. But ya know, half arsed blizzard…
Some have an array of weapons but… I think they decided against releasing them as they would need to release that many for every allied race. Just my opinion.
I would like to have them, but I want them to be somewhat hard to get like certain artifact appearances.
Troll looks more cool as spear thrower than using bow.
I want troll hunters as spear throwers just like warcraft3
A Vrykul made a dragon’s scale into a shield. I than stole said shied from the Vrykul’s corpse.
How exactly is that heritage?
Also, my Worgen DK has a weapon crafted by Dreadlords, last I checked, those two were nothing alike, so heritage, not so much.
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Maybe they will start release these weapons after all heritage armors already released.