Hero Talents Shado-Pan

Maybe my idea of the Shado-pan is wrong, i always saw them as ninja like, a combination of rogues and monks, so my idea of it when the Shado-pan was announced as hero talents was that we would move into that direction. Not with poisons or the long stealth a rogue has but atleast something more sneaky or agile.

The talents mostly just make fist of fury more furious? It seems to be someting to my understanding, an ability we have no control over and just pops whenever it reaches the amount of energy/chi used.

Very underwhelming and the Hero talents as i hoped for would offer a unique added identity to the classes we’ve played for years. To me there seems to be nothing hero like to it. Just another set of talents, that are no different from the ones we already have. A poor addition compared to lets say new races or classes we’ve had in previous expansions.

Yes, i’m aware we are getting dwarves cause…we clearly need more of that. Is this their plan by tossing out 3 expansion in a row? Add something old with a lick of paint and sell it off as something new? Are they innovating like Apple?


i wasn’t expecting anything and i’m still disappointed. Maybe its time to quit Windwalker for good.

This is exactly what I thought of when I think shado pan, a stealthy ninja like idea. Not full stealth so it’s not like a rogue.

I’ve always wanted monk to have a lu bu style spec with like staves and halberds doing sweeping strikes and thrusts and using the staves for mobility moves and jumps.

I was hoping that conduit of the celestials would turn melee attacked with ranged chi attacked that could use the casting charges similar to evokers. This could give mistweaver a ranged attacks for those who don’t like fistweaving.

Also maybe I’ve been playing too much bg3 but way of the elements would’ve been cool being able to use different elements to charge their fits and legs with.

I think it would be pretty awesome for WW to have the celestial ability that makes one or more of your abilities ranged or you can pick an ability to be ranged depending on the celestial. So you can shoot like fire type balls at your enemy.

Yeah, the taran zhu vs garrosh very clearly shows him popping out of smoke, walking on freaking water and jumping really high. Not to mention that they could have also combined somekind of weapons master into the talents since we’ve seen shado-pan monks with bows, maces, swords and other weapons.


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