Heroic+ going forward into Cata

Since Blizzard hinted about heroic+ dungeons in Cataclysm, I think it’s time to talk about how they should be implemented.

Something that to me is obvious is that they need to incentivize people to actually finish the dungeon in its entirety. If not make it a requirement for every boss to be dead for the end reward, do it like Gammas, where every boss drops a desired currency.

Currently, it’s really tiresome trying to get your alts pre-raid bis gear when your best and only epic pre-bis option is from a boss that the community decided is a skip boss. There’s literally no other alternative for certain slots (it seems like the Cata dev team thought bracers was gonna be the tough item to get back in the days, since many classes have very few options for that slot).

Just my five cents. I would love to break this skip everything that can be skipped meta.

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What is Heroic+? Is it to do with all that mythic key crap? If they add it, I will unsub because that is part of what alienated me from retail in the first place.

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i havent done a single “skip” run in ZA/ZG since those that want skip runs should make their own pre-made groups and do it ! … RDF is to clear the instance´s , Premade is for those who need a dopamine fix

If it was up to me to decide, I would also not do skip runs. But if your RDF-group decides it’s a skiprun, your only options are to accept it, leave or get votekicked if you refuse. Arguing doesn’t work with people who already made up their minds and don’t care about anyone but themselfes.

Totally understand the frustration , its like they dont comprehend the meaning of the LFG/RDF system and think its their personal playground, much like the toxic people that constantly have to either inspect your character to the minute detail or to make themselves feel better harrash you about your DMG/Healing/tanking … typical young persons attitude because they are never wrong :slight_smile:

What Blizzard has in store we can’t know for sure, but I imagine heroic+ in a Cata setting would be more like the titan rune dungeons we had in WotLK rather than something like retail mythic+.

I don’t what that is either, I think I vaguely remember it was mentioned when I resubbed for Cata prepatch. I hate this stuff and I don’t know why they can’t just keep the game the way it was before.

Where is that written though? If four people want to do a skip run, who are you to argue about that? - rdf just puts people together, nothing more.

Because it was popular. Gamma Heroics were just HC’s with more health/Damage and dungeon specific affixes, no timer. If you don’t wanna do it, you won’t have to.

When Tier12 and firelands hits, I would love it if they made heroic+ with more unforgiving mechanics and have it drop normal Tier11 359 raid loot from last boss in each! Also a chance for the same boes to drop would be cool :slight_smile:

Maybe they will go like with Betas?

Bosses drops 359 but you get a currency at the end like essences to buy 372?