Heroic Leap - Works poorly

Works just like it did in classic, for the good or bad.

Yeah, heroic leap was definitely never as bugged as it is now. I cant even leap DOWN a 2cm ledge, its horrid and i dont even wanna talk about leaping up.

Has always been like this, just like it did in vanilla cata. If you think it’s different, then you didn’t play a warrior back in the day. Previous guys is totally right about Heroic Path not found

your whole argument is based on the fact that you get the error message “path not found” ? Yeah no sorry but thats prevelant even today and has absolutely 0 value to your point lmfao

Yeah it definitely was never bugged like that and if you want confirmation go and check few youtube vids from cata, theres quite a few.


took me 2 minutes of searching. Timestamped and fyi even this jump isnt possible right now.

Question though, do you even play a lvl 85 warrior currently to talk out of any experience at all ? Afaik you dont get leap on 40

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Nah I’ve played warrior since 05 and I’ve always found arms way more fun

This is serious issue! Heroic leap works poorly bad not at all as it should work! It doesnt work almost on flat ground!.!!! REPAIR THIS IMIDIATELLY NOOBISH DEVS!


So far, there are no changes, but there are more and more situations with a jump. It seems that he can jump only from above to the valley, but on the contrary - no way.


The best thing about Cata is Fury is unviable. Arms is way more fun to play and has way deeper skill expression.

Fury has always been a 3 button spec which is braindead.

It’s funny to hear that opinion from 1,2,3, Bubble Boy :smiley: Hahaha, buddy im sure you walk far from PVP or overall class skill knowledge if you are sure about that. I dont have to explain you that Arms rotation is basicaly 4 button slot machine for beginners. Right? It’s really simple with nothing proc required or rage management…it’s like Paladin, for Apes. So thank you for your uselles opinion anyway. :slight_smile:

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You have to play around Colossus Smash windows and pool rage without overcapping to maximise your dps. You are always having to think when spending rage incase you get Colossus Smash Proc but at the same time not waiting too long in spending Rage you lose DPS. Yeah you can spam mortal strike on CD but saving rage for during a Colossus Smash does more damage.

You have multiple offensives with a priority on them. Also stance dancing - the reason Arms is fun.

For attacking me playing Ret, Ret is one of the hardest specs to play optimally in Cata and its way harder than Warrior.

The reason i’m playing Warrior again in Cata as my main alt is purely because Arms is so fun. Once you get good at Arms and Stance Dancing, going back to Fury is taking out all the small in depth things you can do the pump x2 harder than an average or noob warrior.

Lets be honest, if you go Fury with duel one handers in phase 1. You’ll probs only do 1-2k less dps than other melee. Cata is a very balanced expansion at the start and is the most balance phase we have had in classic. You can play Fury and pump as long as you play the optimal spec which is with 1 handers at the start of the expansion.

The current state of the jump is indeed terrible.
I played in a private server for a long time and it was good. Not cheated, not bugged, good.
Right now, like said in the main post, you can just forget the jump in pvp. And that is a real problem knowing you can’t control enemies. Being able to follow with movement spells is necessary.
Please fix it blizzard.


I mained warrior back in the day as well, and as I recall the problem was that Heroic Leap had different rules for inside and outside of instances. In the actual world you could jump up steep cliffs no problem, but in battlegrounds you could not. What OP describes is very much how I remembered Heroic Leap in 2010.

And it’s a very bad 2010 decision that should be fixed immidiately! If you are going to say that we should ignore this bugged ability as something that was in past too? So I hope you get lags and bad connection as it was in past too and go play it on your old bad computer as it was before too! This is literaly not working properly and it’s ruining warriors experience all over the three specs in both PVE and PVP!


No, I’m not an advocate for keeping stupid bugs in the game. It was one of those things that really bugged me in Classic 2019. Certain things are just gameplay improvements, and keeping bugs or things that were there due to technical limitations is stupid. They should fix Heroic Leap so that it functions the way it was envisioned.


I think they should just directly copy that code from private servers that did a much better job than Blizzard officially. At the very least, they should listen to the community. This forum isn’t that big at all. I check the topics all day and see important issues like Heroic Leap being totally ignored.

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Heroic leap is still horrible by the way. Even the smallest ledge be it upwards or downwards is impossible to leap, its absolutely horrid.

And furyfairy idk what mission you’re on but really nobody cares, wow is out for 20 years if you still think any spec is “hard” then idk what to tell you

agreed, warrior is still really good right now but its frustrating as hell to deal with this buggy mess

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