same goes for dk , still stuck with a 318 green because there’s literally 1 boss that drops a bracer for plate dps and i am hella unlucky
Leaver detected
There’s already a 30 minute lockout from queue. It is sufficient.
You are living in old and dead TIME
yet you still didnt answer the question ,why someone would have to suffer 45m+ doing a dungeon they dont need while you can find a replacement in a sec
If they “suffer” they shouldn’t be playing in the first place.
nah bro , that not how things works
That’s what’s wrong with you ppl
nah bro your argument is my minor inconvenient should be your major inconvenient is really whats wrong
If signing up for 1 boss was meant to be, then blizzard would not make dungeons, but small rooms with one boss inside. So people can harvest their loot.
If you que for a dungeon, you que for the dungeon and not one boss.
There is a reason for the penalty you’ll get when leaving during the dungeon.
There would never be a penalty if signing up for one boss was meant to be.
I’ve been waiting for more than 2 min after the tank left, so it’s not a minor inconvenience
here you counter argument your own argument and saved me the work , i dont think the CD should be remove , i take the penalty and do something else, hell maybe even take break for 30min is much better than pushing a heroic dung that you dont need
tanks dont have the right to leave i am talking from a dps perspective , tanks can roll pretty on all gear ,tank can make use of dps stats while i would have 2 stats which literally does nothing to me if i used a tank item
but still 2 min for his 45 , he still wins this argument
I argue for a lot more harsh penalty, not just a 30 min CD.
It should be a banable act of griefing
good thing that not griefing
and see how long you enjoy the longer cd after you randomly get kicked a few times
anyhow , it still stands that you want people to play by YOUR rules not the GAME rules
That depends on who you ask. Of you join a dungeon group with the intention of leaving after 1 boss, that is griefing in my an many others eyes.
That system where you can vote someone out should be completely reworked somehow, cause now, that system is also used more for griefing than anything else.
I just don’t want ppl to be jerks. And I’m amazed cause of ppl like you who defend jerks.
its not , its cause you a minor inconvenient , it would be grefing if you had to stop the dungeon and req again for 30 min , but youre not , worse case scenario you gotta wait 2 min and your run continuity . most of the time you get another dps in matter of seconds
i agree, people abuse it way too much and its mostly hurt new players / enable pre-stacks to kick someone who can roll on thier gear
edit :missread
i am not defending jerks , most people have limited time to play the game and cant dip 12h/day on this game so they’re trying to be time effiecent
First you wait 10-15 min when signing up for a dungeon. Then between 2-5 min depending on which role leaves. That’s not s minor inconvenience.
Am I ignorant for calling leavers jerks?
its mostly people with jobs and irl stuff who wanna be efficient with their limited play time
good for you i gotta wait 20 min for a dungeon
and no its not , not anywhere close , i had 4 people leave and got a new group in less then a min , never had to wait 5 min for a replacement , worse case was 2 min best
youre a in a turbo-priro in the q line when someones leaves
blame blizzard
nothing stopped them from putting another version of scourgestones into dungeons and vendor with like 453 or 452 itlv gear
then nobody would leave.
What? Theres 2 of em.
I mean BRC one gives you expertise which is a dead stat, but then pvp one is just as good as resi is a dead stat to but it’s higher so your reforge gives more haste
I personally don’t really care if some dps leaves, after a boss, not only does it take max 30 seconds finding a new one, but I can just keep pulling trash and clearing towards next boss while that is happening, barely slowing the run down.