Heroic - Queen Ansurek - Dear Tanks!

OK, so before I go to bed, I need to get this off my chest!

Firstly, Kazzak … don’t need to say any more on this one!

Now, for you prot warriors out there and other tanks as well.

When the boss is pulled, the first person gets “Liquefy”, this debuff stays on you for 30 seconds, OK! Before you get this debuff, maybe 3 or 4 before the other tank taunts off you, we pop Shield Block, Shield Wall & Ignore Pain (for you other tanks, your big defensive cooldowns). This is so we can have at least 80% of our health bar there, which the healers can get fixed, and we can KEEP AGGRO OF THE BOSS, WHILE YOU WAIT 30 SECONDS!

Now, when the bomb knock up happens, and we land, YOU DO NOT TAUNT STRAIGHT AWAY. You wait for the tank, who had FEAST to get then get LIQUEFY, for you to then do what the other tank did a few seconds before the first taunt.

Now again Kazzak…

I understand that some heroic groups will take their friends/guild mates who have only completed the normal raid and have never even touched the heroic raid itself… but when your friend is dying non-stop and the other tank is fully alive and controlling the fight… do you think it’s best to ignore their failures and just kick the tank that is actually doing their job?

Anyway, I feel sorry for the other tanks that get invited into that raid, and it will continue to repeat itself, until reality sets in for the rest of the group.

Anyway, rant over, I’m going to bed!

I read this thrice. Are you saying they kicked the competent tank? Wtf…WoW players I swear to god.

Imagine sucking so hard you kick the tank who is actually competent because he/she is making you look like the fool you are :joy:

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Yeap, indeed they did. If they had removed their friend and got another tank, they could have at least been able to move onto P2 and maybe even P3.

I wish raiderio had a database, so you could see their boss attempt over the last 24 hours and not just the last attempt that was live tracked.

But I hope that raid really did say “I guess the other tank was right!” at the end of the day. Also, I hope that the other tank understands that they were the problem and not the other players.

I know they still didn’t defeat a heroic boss yet, but I hope they at least get 1, so they can understand the difference between normal & heroic encounters.

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Just got out of bed… and I have to get this out of my chest :

What in gods name are you doing Pugging the heroic raid on week 1… what were you expecting ? A full command of mechanics ?

You obviously have the skill and time to raid. Get a guild for Petes sake !

I only really have time to do pugs, can’t really have a scheduled timed for guild raiding as I’m a carer of my daughter.

I can play for maybe say 30 minutes one day to focus helping my little girl and then maybe the next everything is good, and I can play for a couple of hours etc. Completely randomized.

But was just in a “learning/progression” raid for heroic queen and people left after the first wipe. I really don’t know why people think they can be carried on 1st week of heroic >_<

So ? I have 2 todlers at home…

I form part of a F&F guild where participation is voluntary.

Its less time consuming than trying to pug a raid. Especially the 1st week its out when nobody knows mechanics.

I know. Ive tried.

But even if you dont want to form part of a guild, you cannot expect much from puging a heroic raid the week its live… So tune down your expectations…

Dude, my daughter is disabled and requires care xD

Hence, the “I’m her carer” part :wink:

My expectation on week 1 are always low. However, my point of this thread was one of frustration due to that group that I referred too, rather believing their tank was doing nothing wrong, which of course he was.

But I do hope in the coming weeks when people get better gear, things will be a bit smoother for everyone!

I didn’t read.
But still the point stands
have you considered telling your own raid group this?

I’m sorry Sylvare, which point are you referring too? Just so I know how to respond :slight_smile:

Was that all there was too the story?

Was it mainly a guild run and did they kicked YOU?

What kind of friend would these people be if they didn’t give their tank friend a chance to get it right …after one wipe you say?

Did the inexperienced tank start getting salty? and blaming others?

Where you being rude and his friends thought screw this random chap bye bye?

Some people put friends before anything else including progressing through a cartoon game just saying from that point of view.

Maybe they still had a decent time/laugh and will clear it in the future with more experience

You say you are a carer for your daughter, I have met many players in my time playing wow that have some form of learning difficulties / disability which can hamper there playing to various degree’s, thing is you sometimes never know who your playing with and a little compassion and patience goes a long way.

Yes, that was pretty much the story Sinjal.

From what it looked like, was arund 50% a guild. I’m guessing that the other protection warrior, was their friends, based upon how they were defending his actions and also the fact, that everyone there was 6/8 7/8 on heroic completion, and he was there, at 7/8 normal.

Oh, it wasn’t 1 wipe, it was at least 7 to 8 and each time I was giving the other tanks helpful advice via whispers, but were never responded too. So I ended up also whispering the raid leader to inform them of what I’ve been forwarding to the other tank, which again went on deaf ears.

The “inexperienced” tank was just blaming me for their taunting off me, when they shouldn’t. Getting 1 shot when getting feast, which was “my fault” for not taunting according to the other tank, even though they have to take the feast hit, while I’m dealing with the liquefy.

I wasn’t rude once, I find if you start being rude to try and get your point across, it results in them not learning from their mistakes. Trying to be understanding and to help, can sometimes provide positive results, but if the person doesn’t want to listen, then they’re on a road to failure each time.

True, friends will do that. But in my opinion, I like to surround myself with people who want others to achieve things (in our hobbies). If you sit there blindly to what is happening, it unfortunately starts to negatively affect everyone else.

If they had a decent time, then that’s great. But I can’t say about the other tanks, that they invited to that group. If they want to have “fun”, then they should keep it closed to raids and avoid inviting people. As let’s face it, most of us play and do raids to get the shiny loot and know that we were able to defeat x, y & z boss. You have the fun times, once you can say that those bosses are on an easy clear process. (this is just my opinion).

What you said is very true, and it can be impossible to know what he/she/they have in relation to a disability.

yeah my bad
Mostly the tactics bit so that players understand that when they wipe they don’t immediately start tossing out kicks blindly even tho they likely don’t even grasp what wiped them

What I remember seeing when I used to pugraid a bit was that most people assumed everyone knew and by the time the first wipe came, people had assumed wrong and fingers were already pointing and kicks were already happening before anyone even figured out what caused the wipe.

I found it better to just have some shorthanded tactics on a macro ready for things like that, join raid, drop macro, continue with life

admittedly its been some expacs and from the sidelines it always sounds like the pug world just became full insanity

Love joining a learning run where the players refuse to learn. I’m guessing given all this you didn’t see past the first knockups?

Yeah, a lot go in and think they know what is going to happen, based upon what they’ve experienced in the normal version.

A lot of people are scared to speak up and say “Actually I’m not 100% sure on this part/phase” etc.

Sometimes you have people who have never played a tank or healer for example, trying to tell that class “hey you said do this, it’s not that hard!”, which for some can be insulting, in the tone they use. But in this case for this tank, I explained it as easy and normal as possible, but as mentioned above, they never responded even with a say “ok”, just silence and they continued with their way of playing.

It’s unfortunate, and I wish people would take things a bit more seriously, when it comes to a difficult encounter. I know after my first wipe on Queen heroic, I spent some time reviewing videos to see if there was something I was missing, and I found it and corrected that mistake.

The knockup is pretty easy to understand, which part of the group goes to either side, when they’re told 1-3 for inner, 2-4 goes outer etc. Get knocked up, when the person pops the bomb, land get back to doing your thing.

But for my tank, currently, in the 20ish wipes I’ve had so far, I’ve not been in a raid group, that has made it passed the 2nd bomb knock up. Either people are dying to random mechanics, tank swap not being done in time, people not being healed etc.

It’s a total mess, and even though I’d love to get my Ahead of the Curve achievement today. I really don’t see it happening anytime soon >_<

I’m always kept my eyes open for those rare Discord raids, where communication is key in a lot of the heroic encounters. But in the meantime, I’m just leveling up my first alt to take a break away from the nonstop wiping on Queen xD