So what you described there is the case I have had to myself in M+ and is a delusional aspect of players, claiming something is majorly over the top difficult for pugs. When most pugs at mythic or heroic item level don’t have optimal gear, stats, essences, traits for their main spec, let alone off spec. Proceed to do meme worthy damage.
Then to top it all off don’t even know mechanics. I had two druids today in my temple 14 on my rogue, both of them took obsern amounts of damage from the lightning shield, the tank took 2 mill damage and the balance druid took 900k I want to say, bad players are a problem and exist in high levels of content due to welfare gear. To top that all off the tank ate every disorient from the snake boss too.
I have done all my runs with pugs, ilgynoth is probably the hardest boss of this raid because of MCs, and Xanesh is frustrating because of football it is badly designed imho.
I think all other bosses are finely tuned for 460.
The second floor of the raid in pugs requires a good raid leader that knows how to lead(which most players clearly can’t) or you need to out gear it. But you can do it even with very low average ilvl you just need a good raid leader(something pugs don’t have).