Heroic throws minimal range should be less than it is now

At the moment Heroic throw ability has a range of 8-30yd. This 8 yard minimal range is making an affix like Explosves really hard on warriors since i dont think any other tank has to deal with that nonsence. Heroic throws main purpose is to get agro more agro on further standing creatures or pull something thats flying. It is also the most reasonable ability that warriors have to kill explosives. These orbs keep spawning where none of my melee abilities can reach it and for the only ranged one they are two close. Then warriors have one option move in potentialy taking tank busting damage to my back or move the whole pack from a good position so i can throw my weapon at it. And no, my group doesnt care about it. Just did TJS 19, i killed 100% more than a healer did and dps managed to kill less combnined than a healer. If im supposed to deal with that mechanic when pugging. Please make it so that its not as frustrating.

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