Heroic warfront gear

I just completed my first heroic WF and i expected to get a one gear piece ( Besides the one from the quest ) like the normal version. Yet i didn’t got anything at all. Nothing! Not even some 20 gold.
Is this another bug?? :confused:

You only get one piece of gear per attack cycle iirc.

I can give that to you.

How ilvl has this gear?

430 if i recall correctly.

Heroic warfronts rewards 430ilvl gear pieces as a normal rewards and not just as a quest rewards?

From what I know from the dev notes, you get one 430 ilvl piece once per cycle.

And by cycle you mean each win in warfronts? Or just from the quest when it pup up?

The quest, clearly. Or else we’d all be 430 now.

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I think just the quest.

You can get 430 item only for quest after completing hc warfront. Compliting hc front gives you nothing.

430 only from the quest. It drops 385 pieces normally.

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