Looking for a guild to settle into, been hopping for too long. Preferably a guild that has an open raid spot for a Brewmaster Monk but I’m not too fussed what I play, we can discuss if you want more info from me. I came back after a long break in 8.3 and managed to get 8/12 by the end of Nya’. I also raided Mythic throughout legion but never got a Cutting Edge as of yet. So if I could get back into a solid mythic setting that would be the dream. Server doesn’t particularly matter (i’m willing to eventually transfer if the vibes are good) but most of my characters are on Draenor. If you want to get in touch my discord and battle tag are below! If you message please let me know you saw this post and not just ghost it. Thanks for reading!
on Stormscale is still looking for Balcan casual , friendly players trying to make some good community. A litle bit about our selffs in our language
Vecina nas smo semi-casual woweri te igramo on and off od vanille nadalje. Glavni cilj je dobra zajebancija i zabava, ali takodjer planiramo nekim dobrim tempom clearati normal/hc raidove te mozda i odraditi kojeg mythic bossa. Uz to naravno i odraditi koji zajednicki pvp, eventove itd. Svi su dobrodosli u guild - bez obzira zelis li raidat, pvpat ili se samo druzit s nama!
Ako nam se zelis pridruzit javi se na discord: Perka#7270 ili sx#2485
Bez obzira da li ste na stormscale ili na nekom drugom realmu mozete doci na disc da se upoznamo i da zajedno radimo nove zadatke koje nam Blizzard postavlja Takodje guild mozete videti i na Guilds of WoW
ToO is a Horde semi-hardcore raiding guild based on Aggramar Horde side. We are a Mythic raiding guild with multiple CE’s to our name. We also take pride in the fact that we are a very long standing guild and have been around since Vanilla.
I will poke you for a chat as we are looking specifically for a Brewmaster tank but feel free to take a look at our info below as well for more about the guild. Looking forward to talking to you ingame!
Just wanted to update this because i’ve found a guild on my home server but I can’t close this thread myself, so I am not looking for a guild right now anymore but thanks for all the replies!