I am a guild master of a newly founded guild that i founded because i want to raid lead again, and because i have goals and aspirations in WoW as a guild master. I have previous Mythic experience all the way back to Siege of Orgrimmar, and I also have experience being a guild master from a previous guild I founded. CE IS one of the aspirations that I have for this guild, and I want to find people with equivalent goals in the game. it is very important for me to maintain a high quality experience during the raid time, in terms of time efficiency and having a balanced roster in terms of skill differences among players.
Scientific is a newly started guild on Ragnaros that is looking to do chill mythic progress in SHADOWLANDS. We are currently recruiting in BFA, only clearing heroic at the moment, mainly to have something to keep the guild rolling as its very important to keep a new guild active.
We are looking for people that are skilled and have experience with the game in terms of gameplay, knowledge and attendance. The reason for this is we are trying to get a decent quality of Raiding and M+ pushing. We are looking to raid mythic without pushing too hard, just to have fun with friends. BUT that doesn’t mean we won’t hold our members to a certain standard. if everyone is on the same page, we will all have more fun.
THURSDAY 20.00-23.00
SUNDAY 15.00-18.00
Highly in need for following classes for raid rooster:
-Havoc DH
-Shadow Priest
-Resto Druid
-Healer Priest
If you are interested in joining our guild, then DM me or any of the officers, and we’ll link you to our discord for recruitment!
Still looking for more players to fill in rooster so we can soon continue with mythic raiding!
Scientific is still looking for more members to fill the roster and head into mythic raiding!
i wanna emphasize that ALL classes will be considered as i want the best man for the job. i encourage ALL of you to apply if you think you are what we are looking for!
Join these guys, they are really awesome and friendly 
feel free to hit me up on discord silverskips#1209 if you are wondering about anything about the guild before you decide if you wanna apply.
We are still looking for the following roles/classes:
- DK Tank
- DPS with Healer offspec
- Range DPS, Mages, Warlocks, Shadowpriest, Balance Druid, Elemental Shamans.
WE ARE LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCED WOW PLAYERS to create a quality raiding experience with. are you a skilled player who wanna be part of something new and serious, then hit us up asap.
We are still recruiting for Shadowlands mythic raiding,
Raiding days are set: Thursday 20-23 and Sunday 15-18.
Currently looking for every good player. Add any off us for more info or a chat. 
We are getting ready for Shadowlands! We are still looking for awesome people like you! Don´t wait, fill in a application and we have a small talk 
-TANK (monk, dk)
-DPS (lock, warrior, dk, rogue, hunter, shadow)
UPDATED CLASSES for recruitment. do you have what we are looking for? please send me a dm!
Still looking for new blood to our guild to head into mythic!
At the moment we are short on Healers!
Also looking for DPS classes.
Higly in need of a Tank Brewmaster Monk and a Holy Paladin + Resto Druid.
Also we are looking for a few Range DPS spots like Mages, Warlocks and Shadowpriest!
Hi Raven,
Adding you to battlenet, interested in this but I am intrigued by the second raiding day. Could do Shaman/Priest/Paladin.
lets chat, thanks
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i just edited the post to be properly updated. if what you read seems interesting, why not have a chat?
Really still need the Brewmaster Monk! Range DPS, Healers.
Preach recommended players to find a guild NOW. Apply to scientific.
Really need a Brewmaster monk.
Still interested in players for a rooster! Just give us a whisper if you are interested 
2 of those discord links aint even workin