Hey blizz! we need "off PvP" button for PvP servers

Now you’re thinking with a typical victim mentality.
Not all servers are horde dominated, so this isn’t a matter of faction rhetoric like you want to make it.

There are many problems to warmode in Classic, for example it creates a 2nd layer on all servers. The economic impact of layers were already seen once.
Then there is the mere-exposure effect and proximity principle affecting the subconscious creation of social awareness, which was a HUGE problem with layers as well.

You’re all just whining about wanting changes for convenience because you’re whiny little crybabies who doesn’t want to make hard decisions. Typical self-entitlement issues.

If you want retail so much, it’s just a few button clicks away.

Nice try, http s://i.imgur.com/yxcSM5S.jpg
But with PvE I agree.

43 servers in total across EU.

Nice try.

It’s funny I leveled to 60 on a horde dominated server and never got ganked 10vs1 more than a couple of times in Epl FP while landing, to which I learned the lesson quick and adapted. In fact I grouped up with other alliance pvp minded players on my server and we farmed thousands of honour camping horde back in BRM and EPL too. We organised, mind blowing I know. Even though at times we got beaten by numbers we would just keep on the move and had good hph rates for p2 standards. If people don’t organise and fight back that’s on them, I know the alliance is bad at doing that but that’s not a game design flaw.

i don’t wany any changes. no changes to faction balance, no changes to av, no changes to anything. Just find it funny that those that defend no changes to fix to faction balance are all for changes to av.

I honestly don’t want changes either, but that means no xrealm BGs either since it’s essentially cherry-picked from the end of vanilla, instead of what was a key element to the social design for most of vanilla.

You can read more about some of the negative effects to the social design here:

And of course, no increased population caps either.

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Faction transfer is the answer. Paladins/ shamans I’m sorry about you. They fckd the system with not revealing ratios, now they have to repair it. People asked for it, they didn’t implement it. We were right, they fked up. Stop shtting on each other, it’s not our fault blizz fked up intentionally to milk for transfers and more.

and lfr for pve servers ^^

because why not :slight_smile:

Why yup? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

AV premades are available without PvP servers.

I played Vanilla. Gank, camping, etc is the same. But game was different.

You can start a new characters in PvE server or pay transfer.

No, because Mirage Raceway is full. There are impossible questing in any lvl due to many alliance players who are doing the same quests.
If you want to transfer then need a new PvE server.

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yeah no xrealms would be great. it sucks not having a clue who you are fighting against, not being able to create rivalries against people on your faction, etc…

Why do you want to fight only your own realm? You’re AV, WSG, wPvP, forum, math and everything combined God. You’re no-name who has 100% WR in WSG and AV, why would you want to create rivalries against your own realm when you have created against whole EU? :rofl:

because the average skill of horde on my realm is way, way higher than the average skill of horde, and it gets boring playing against garbage players.

look at you forexample, unironicly playing undead rogue…

Maybe you should stop abusing queuing system then? :smiley: Every realm has their own discords. You can arrange 5v5 10v10 and more by just talking on discord to the opposite faction. It’s called GvG

i’m talking about warsong, i’ve played against a bunch of premades, and the gehennas horde premades are by far the best ones on horde. premades on other servers, can litteraly beat them with a 5 man.

Like horde whining about premades?
Activision obviously using a double standard here: if horde has no 100% win chance they change the rules. If alliance asks for a change: not even answering.

Nope, those aren’t the same. Not even in the slightest. Even though that’s the narrative you keep trying to push, it doesn’t make it so.

Of course those aren’t the same because that was affecting horde. Typical double standard.

:clap: :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming: