I’m not gonna scroll through 43 servers individually, but the statistics of all servers can’t reach 57% alliance and 43% horde if all PvP servers were horde dominated.
Check your facts before you embarrass yourself further.
Arent your facts by fact nonofficial data gathered by random people not from all servers not 24/7 nonstop data and pretty outdated?
Lol, you just linked evidence that is supporting my argument:
Total US pvp: A: 43% H: 57%
Total EU pvp: A: 45% H: 55%
That’s not dominating. That’s within normal range.
We know 1 thing guys people are stopping playing PVP clearly that is only reason they made this changes nothing else.
Otherwise there would be XYZ changes before even release.
Reddit foresaw what will happend year before release as everyone else.
Indeed it happened.
Sure, keep denying reality.
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So according to you, 45-55 split is “dominating”. That’s a funny way of defining it.
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If you can’t handle the PvP, goto Retail with Warmode Off or PvE server in Classic.
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Pve servers are full, blizz have to make new pve servers.
Only change they should make is to merge uneven balanced servers but that is never gonna happen despite they have manpower and all resources of this world to make it.
Get used to fact that Classic is just sub increase machine for them, it’s sad reality.
How can you not see that you are wrong here?
This is seriously frightening. 45/55 split is amazingly close.
The main problem is clearly that players who are pvp oriented are more likely to go for horde, not the sheer numbers. This was also proven upon release of bg’s as horde queue’s were almost instant 1-5min. Compared to 18-40min we currently have.
The current AV meta continues to worsen this, as it’s very clear that on a macro level ranks correlate with game knowledge and mastery of pvp mechanics.
High ranked premade Alliance useally wins vs average rank horde pug.
Average rank horde pug useally win vs low ranked alliance pug.
Average rank alliance vs Average rank horde, like it was the first few days useally ended with Alliance winning.
Premade alliance is what changed this, as more skilled players stopped pugging for alliance, alliance pugs started loosing.
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I play on earthshaker… Were the alliance went to ‘screw horde a new one’ and yes, the server is in number favort by alliance… But still there all sitting in cities doing nothing or spam av…
So, not sure wat to say… Even on servers where alliance is bigger and stronger you see only horde outside.
Draw you’re own conclusion from this.
Exactly. This is why all pvp servers are horde dominated regardless of the close (and unreliable) statistics.
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The games borderline unplayable for Alliance. At this point a pvp off button is only reasonable. Do it, Blizz.
This topic is funny - most horde i know solo quest most of the time, most alliance are in pairs or groups if anything in world pvp at lower levels at least its usually in the alliance favour, the imbalance may flip at 60, but until then I’;m regularly jumped by groups of alliance. I get groups of 4 or 5 many levels below who i have no hope of killing th group but have ennough cc to prevent me even killing one. (whether i’m ona mage/druid or warrior). Lucky I have 2 already levelled, and i can take a hit without getting too annoyed.
and that was on ZT, only group of hordes tries to kill me, and sometimes my revenge was succesfull 1v5, ofc kamikze attack
You have serious issues if you like to being farmed, or even think it can be fun for someone.
Blizzard has already done it. They called it PvE servers. But ts-s-s-s it is the secret!
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