Hey Blizzard about Streamers in my BNet client

I have ZERO interest in watching fifteen years old Saudi man speak about Lichking.

Absolutely ZERO.

So why am I being forced to see him whenever I launch your client?

Why do you punish me because I live in middle east and force me to see Arab streamers and Arab adds?

Please fix.



Anyway for some reason i don’t have stream on autoplay on my launcher. There is sometimes stream offered but it’s not running, there is play symbol to click to start it. Which i never do.


Try the beta launcher, I’ve not had any of the irritating auto stream rubbish since then.

Excellent, thank you I will give it a try.

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Same here with norwegian streamers


The only WoW streamer I’m watching is Asmonbald :smiley:

I’d love an ability to turn off the ‘watch random nobody’ recommendations. Those nobodies may be somebody for Blizz and someone else, but they are nobodies for me.

Or better yet go give official support to GOG Galaxy 2.0 so I can skip ALL your moving clips and launcher itself all-together.


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For most of the time you can easily skip the launcher by just using the wow.exe in the wow current folder. A shortcut to it on desktop works fine.
Works also for classic but not for ptr unfortunately.
You may have to boot up the launcher once eery day, to check for updates, but other than that the exe way is handy (was especialy for me when we had the lag after a 8.2.5 patch that had everyone worried for their hard drives)

Sounds like a problem with personalized ads. I never ever get ads for streamers or even ads in my language

Havn’t seen any yet and I’d prefer to keep it that way. Always been against Blizzard giving them special privileges to begin with.

What? Only streamers i’ve seen in the launcher is when its mdi or arenas i think? Maybe its some sort of settings? :thinking: glad i dont get some norwegian transmog runs :joy:

Yeah i thought we were talking about the addon launcher, i dont have that on the battlenet launcher, hence why i deleted them

And apperantly i forgot one woops, i’l let it stay there for comedic purposes

Aah i see, yeah i get some norwegian random streamers on there sometimes :sweat_smile:

Im from norway so :smiley:

Yeah i reckoned since u wrote in norwegian :wink: (i am aswell)

Holy Banos!

Thats a twist if i ever saw one

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I want to add. i want to hide all non blizz game and also turn any notifications from them.

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Mabe your language is not supported?

I found a fix from another post! :tada:

Okay so on your BattleNet Launcher go to:

Options > Game Settings > General tab > BATTLE.NET LANGUAGE > 
English (UK)

This bothered me SO MUCH for SO LONG! :triumph:
I created a support ticket as well and it was the first time Blizzard Customer Support was absolutely useless. :broken_heart:

I’m Saudi and I can understand Arabic (but its not perfect).

Finally my brain doesn’t hurt every time I look at those advertisements!
Also, I am not interested in those Arab streamers/content creators at all.
Mainly because I don’t understand them and I prefer to watch all my game-related content in English.

I’m sure many Arabs living in the Middle East feel the same way so I can’t imagine how irritating it is for foreigners living in the Middle East feel about this.

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Another solution I found is if you switch to Beta BNet you will not see those Saudi streamers.