Hey Blizzard, please wake up :)

Arena has never been as bad, low quality, and as miserable to play as it is right now.

SO many changes need to be made to improve the game, and off the top of my tired head here’s a starting list:

Echoing Resolve : needs to have an internal cooldown of at least 60 seconds. This trinket promotes some of the most auto pilot gameplay the game has ever seen, passively countering many compositions and classes with zero thought process.

Eternal Aegis and Resonator: I believe that the Eternal Aegis should be usable in stuns. Not only does this help with survival vs compositions that can take great advantage of using multiple resonators in one go, it boosts the survivability of specialisations susceptible to dying in stuns, such as Elemental Shaman.

Chastise: range has to be reduced to a range such as 5 yards. The long range that chastise currently has combined with the ability to use greater fade and speed increases on a very low recharge rate gives Holy Priests a virtually risk free offensive playstyle that is very difficult to punish. The contrast between Discipline and Holy is night and day.

Holy Ward : duration has to be reduced to a duration of around 10 seconds. The duration is as long as its cooldown, this is poor design.

Resurrection legendary: Disable it in arenas or realistically, have the priest return to life with 10% maximum HP.

The damage and healing buffs that Holy Priest received on the launch of 9.2 have to be reverted or nerfed. Holy Priest is undoubtedly the best healer in arena, by far the most forgiving to play, and it needs serious attention. We are also heading into week 3 of the AWC where we have seen pure Holy Priest / Fire mage domination; in ladder play, Holy priest is running riot, with a 47% representation of all healers, whereas the second most represented healer has a representation of 18%.

Dragon’s Breath: cooldown is too short. It should be increased to 30 seconds. It is one of, if not the best offensive and defensive tools in the game and it is readily available far too frequently.

Shifting Power : another cooldown that is too short for how powerful it is. A change to a 90 second cooldown would be more appropriate. The fact a mage can counterspell you, shifting power and have another counterspell available is extremely overpowered, as well as this it reduces the cooldown of Mage’s already extremely low CD toolkit.

BM Hunter : Craven needs to be reworked and damage needs to be lower. The pouch legendary that gives the hunter a top 3 damaging ability PASSIVELY every single game as well as being pretty much immortal is insanity. I expect this note to get attention from BM hunters attempting to derail my thread, please do not allow them to.

Survival Hunter : again, damage too high, immortal vs casters, broken tier set.

Creation Catalyst access and use : I do not expect, although I do wish to have access to the catalyst right now as I have 0 tier pieces and every game I face players with 2 sets and 4 sets. However, what I hope Blizzard implement is the removal of the time-gated restriction of upgrading 1 piece of gear to a tier piece a week (correct me if I’m wrong here). As soon as the catalyst goes live, we should be able to craft as many tier pieces as we want. We have earned the currency over the last month, we have earned the gear and we are being punished further for simply being unlucky. It is a realistic possibility that many players will not have their 4 set until the end of April or well into May. We are already over one month into the patch and people still have no tier.

Tier sets: in an ideal world they would be disabled from instanced PvP, the same way legendaries were in Legion, but I do not see that happening. There are so many that are simply too good, and I will miss a few out here out of forgetting and not experiencing them all, but SV hunter, Destro Warlock, Enha Shaman, Assassination Rogue, Fury Warrior and Havoc Demon Hunter in particular have ridiculously strong bonuses that warrant tuning.

Thanks for reading, let your thoughts known below. I have probably missed some things out so sorry about that. If discussion takes place please do not allow the main goal of the thread to improve the game be derailed by instances such as hunters arguing their spec is fine.


Couldnt say it any better,would be nice to bump this untill Blizzard wake up


Yep, fully agree

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First change to Holy priest in 9.2.5: cooldown of Holy Ward increased to 45 seconds. Not a bad start.

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Useless nerf, just remove it.

It’s not a useless nerf at all. Reduced duration, increased CD. It’s perfect.

Bumping to keep the attention on my suggestions. We’re one down :slight_smile:

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Im just curious what your definition of “fine” is here. Under what circumstances is a spec fine and when is it not? Is it at all connected to representation/ladder or just the general “feeling” when you meet one? This question is related to all specs, not just hunter (since you didnt list demo-locks and their 70k demon bolt crits, but then somehow that spec is fine?).

I just hope they bring a better pvp design for the next expansion in general. Away from all these instant heals/casts, 1million gap closers and short interrupts/stuns/ccs.

Lower the burst damage and increase the damage outside cooldown windows. Make casters and healers cast again. Make it so that an interrupt feels rewarding and doesn’t lead to “whatever, i just use my instant heal and I’m full hp”.
Nerf melee mobility. No one needs a class that has unlimited abilities to stick on a target without using their brain.

I dont know. So many things are off atm, the game needs a complete overhaul.
I mean, whats up with demonbolts hitting for half of my hp or even more… which is an instant cast?
Whats up with the resonator that has so little counterplay (maledict was at least somehow interruptable)?
Why is firemage so poorly designed? Nothing happens outside of combust zZzZZzzZzzZ
Why do we need things like res legendary or cocoon in arena?
Why is the Hunter legendary still not reworked? Why does it support such a braindead gameplay vs some classes?

Just a few examples.


Completely agree with this post, you just forgot to mention rogues which are completely broken. Pretty sure they won 4/6 of the AWC’s so far? Horrible class that has WAY too many tools and WAY too much damage on bursts, especially assassination idk if you guys saw yesterday, the AWC finals on NA, Drake casually killed a ww monk through every CD with his vendetta. So dumb.


When a spec/class becomes an automatic ‘can’t kill’ target all whilst being massively equipped with damage is when it becomes not fine. For example Survival Hunters vs casters and when it passively counters most things in the game with zero thought process because of the bad design of legendries and passive abilities.

Nope, because if we used representation to teach us anything we would be saying that Arms warrior is the best melee and that Subtlety is bang average, when it is quite literally the opposite. This is a notion I have been repeating for a very long time now, and it’s finally proving true. Representation does not ALWAYS tell us what is the best.

Demo Warlock is only managing that because of the Echoing Resolve trinket, a trinket which I mentioned needs addressing. Nerf echoing resolve, and you won’t be seeing frequent Demonbolt one shots as a result of anything other than punishment.

I didn’t, I mentioned Assa Rogue tier set is broken. Sub rogue is also broken beyond belief but I have no idea how to balance it. Too much damage, too much control, too many defensives. It needs a complete rework.

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Well here. I cannot agree more.

Craven Stratagem is a cancer that needs to be reworked or removed. I can’t understand how this is still in the game.


Blizzard doesnt care about pvp balance

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Be honest with me - have you tried playing survival hunter in 3s? If you have and you feel that your statement is true, fine then i guess. I for one do NOT passively counter most things with zero thought process there. Feign at the wrong time and you get crushed. If AWC taught us something is that even the probably best survival hunters in the world with 4 set bonus cant cut it in the current meta.

If you are talking about 2s then i agree to a bigger extent, but 3s is a whole other ballpark.

So yuo got Trinket that is actualy a good counter for hunter, priest and mage DB in to polly CC chains so kinda your other main complains and your solution fore it is to kill it by making its even worst then Auto insygnia that nobody use ?

Because it’s you. I don’t really care what you say about Hunter when you thought pet mend was purgeable, tbh.

You talk as if Feign has a 45 second cooldown. There is one situation and one situation only over the last 2 seasons where I deem that statement to be true, and that is when I have played with a Kyrian Warrior who had spear ready. Other than that, you can feign death like a monkey and face little to zero punishment for it.

Stop using AWC as a metric to represent the entire game. AWC is what, 30 players? The argument is stupid, Shadow Priest counters most casters but I could sit here and say ‘wahhhh it isn’t winning the AWC so it’s obviously not that good’. Get a grip and accept that your class is a joke.

It was purgeable prior to 9.2, in case you didnt know. Big whoop, i missed it in the 9.2 patch notes. EDIT: apparantly 9.1.5. Explains why Ive always felt unlucky when it comes to tranq shotting it. Live and learn.

Yes lol all these holy priests in the AWC, mages or assa rogues means NOTHING. Nor does destro/frostmage. It says NOTHING about power or the meta at all. You are hilarious.

in 2s surv hunt is the most represented specc in the higher ladder by a big margin. problem is its kinda hard to balance everything out between 2s and 3s. but ye 4set double leggy surv is just ridic in 2s.

I would call that “getting a taste of your own medicine” when it comes yo WW Monks dying through defensives.

And it feels … great!

9.1.5 ish change btw. It has been non purgeable for months now. It happened the exact same day the pet revive went from 4s to 3s. Since you talk about the pet dying all the time surely you noticed that one.

It would probably explain why I’ve always felt I never get lucky at dispelling the mend pet…

And I totally agree with the statement that hunter is too strong in 2s, and I said prior to 9.2 several times that surv/bm will be completely broken with a free pouch of fragments-legendary. But for some reason everyone wants to paint me as a biased hunter defender just because I argue against people saying that craven should be removed (because that will end hunter in 3s completely, already sub par there) or “HUNTER IS DOING 10K STEADY ST ARENA DPS” when its simply not true.