Hey Blizzard, please wake up :)

I’ve quit playing this season now. This is the first season I have played since Legion where I cannot bring myself to play arenas. Unless approximately half of the changes I listed are implemented or acted on, I won’t be on.

Also a new fun revelation about Holy Priests:

Holy Priest’s Shadow Word Pain hits harder than the Shadow Priest SWP, and Holy Fire hits harder than Mind Blast! All whilst Shadow has a 10% damage increase from Shadowform and a 20% increased damage in Voidform btw! :slight_smile:

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it’s really not. 2 set is underwhelming but 4 set is strong. it’s a reliable increase in energy and dance charges with a fairly consistent increase in burst and occasional highroll where you chain procs and send someone to the shadowlands. a common misconception is that it breaks cc, it does not.

like a big highroll example is i blasted a hunter with reprimand eviscerate eviscerate eviscerate without mfd with each evis coming with a nice bonus 5k shadowstrike as well.

it’s also almost free because 3/4 pieces are vers mastery or vers crit. hat is weighed more towards crit but it’s fine. gloves and chest are big crit small haste and big mastery small haste so it’s not a big loss in stats.

Nothing more 2 say.
Im on the verge of taking a longer break aswell. Tbh im not longer confident that adjustment xy will fix class 1,2,3, etc. This game is just a sloppy mess right now.

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S2 sub rogue representation was between 3,5% and 5,6% while in S3 subs are currently at 5.49% according to check-pvp. Are you saying that a 0,11% difference is comparable to a 4% → 12%?

This is such a hilarious thing to say. I am talking about S1-S2 representation of warrior (I played in both those seasons) and you come here talking about how I did not play in S3? If you knew how to read charts we wouldn’t be here :slight_smile: (also if you understood that 12-4 > 5,6-5,49).

You still don’t understand it do you :thinking:

I mean I wouldn’t know at which level you are playing at because you are one of those insecure people hiding behind hidden / removed / moved characters :slight_smile:

You are the one bringing up “this meta”. I was talking about how warriors were too strong in S1-S2 or “pre nerf”.

This is the best you can come with? You are literally being on the forums trying to insult other players? :rofl: What a life you must have man :smiley:

Wish you could contribute to society at all don’t you?

You literally brought nothing to this discussion other than that YOU THINK that sub is better than arms and fury (while it might be you still didn’t explain WHY). At the same time you compared 4–>12% with 5,6–>5,49% and claiming that your way of reading represenation is way better… It’s all the same with you people, coming with claims that are completly out of the blue - nothing to back them up with and then trying to belittle others :rofl:

Although I disagree with Grytax, Brodanyo or even Gón they talk and come with their opinions and back them up. Your way of discussing is - “Well according to my knowledge and my opinion I know best.” Well congratulations living in a world spinning around Tee-alonsus…

No changes to resonator, just remove it.

8.3 was a prime example of why drest trinkets are turbo toxic to this game.

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Nobody gives a rats about how strong x y z was in season 1 and season 2 when this post is focused on improving the current state of the game.

‘You people’ = people who have played and experienced the current game.

My thoughts are pretty well articulated in my original post, a post that has the most likes out of any post I have seen in a long time. And yes, my ‘way’ of a) playing the game b) playing at a high standard c) gathering my thoughts from those experiences and evaluating obvious strengths and weaknesses to provide feedback is better than anything you can or ever will do. I really do not know how else you want people to provide feedback without having knowledge that comes from experience? You make it seem as though playing the game is a bad thing.

It’s rather funny to me that out of all the commentators in this thread, the 2 most disruptive ones offering the least to the topic are a Hunter who didn’t know fundamental changes were made to his class and a Rogue who makes more forum posts than he plays arena games. You’re like a ‘Dumb and Dumber’ remake.

I’m not replying to you further, like Grytax you offer absolutely nothing to the purpose of the discussion and argue for the sake of arguing when the VAST majority are in agreement with me. If you want to be a clown further, give me your Discord or something and I’ll school you for free.

Not going to happen until a new season at the bare minimum, they’re not going to just randomly delete a trinket. Least they can do is nerf it to the ground.

https://www.arenamate.net/representation-charts there is an archive thing you can press top left.

You literally replied to me and grytax talking about how qidpuncher was biased the previous two seasons.

People who think they know it all because they think they have a very objective opinion and then they come tell others how they are wrong.

I also liked your post because I agree on some of the points you have - but I don’t think you explain them well enough. I can tell you that dhs should be nerfed with 13,091% damage but no one would understand where I got that number from…

I bet tiktokers get 10000x more likes than you, doesn’t disprove the fact that most of them are braindead.

Yeah maybe grytax didn’t see the changes to his class and I can’t answer for that. But thinking that you bring more to a discussion when you “laugh” at such things is just pathetic. You. Are. Pathetic.

Still about S1-S2 (WHICH IS WHAT I REPLIED TO)… I don’t know how hard it is for someone like you to understand such a basic thing… Maybe its a high exp thing.

Yeah this just proves how delusional you are :rofl: So hunters shouldn’t be able to state their opinion? I shouldn’t be able to answer towards an old question? I am part of that “majority” voting for your post. (btw, chances of you replying again anyways are rather high due to your insecurity).

You need to pass school before you can school me mate.

For anyone else reading this: I answered Grytax and Qidpuncher on how in S1-S2 Qidbuncher was biased towards warriors. Tee replies to me and say I don’t know enough about S3 to say that. S3… Of course there is no point in discussing with such a human being…


Yeah man you really showed me.

I still stand to it btw, deff stance nerf wasnt the move…

God this forum sometimes

Actually cringe to twist my words and say im defending it instead of just logically approach the topic. But yeah i know we love to just get emotional and nerf whatever your 1.4 xp forum player wants to.

Nice thread btw i still want to end myself when i read the suggestions for warrior, its horrible

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Take it easy man, I know you think you’re approaching it in a 100% logical and unbiased way but there’s no such thing as 0 class bias, even amongst high mmr players. I’m sure your game exp helps in gauging changes more accurately than others, but still. Have a good one!

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you are wrong here btw… they jusst need to remove the cool down reduction… craven is a pvp talent too if you play hunter you can take the leggo or the pvp talent they both do the same thing

the only reason craven is strong is because its a 15sec cd reduction

You made a comment about him being biased and linked a thread where he made a comment which was 100% correct and is currently being seen in current play? Your arms must be hurting from all this reaching.

You would probably have the same opinions if you actually played the game instead of being 1.4 in 2s on the best melee in the game and spending more time on forums than in game.

Not when he can’t even be bothered to keep up or learn the changes made to his own class, how can an opinion be expected to be respected when carelessness is demonstrated? :slight_smile:

Good job that I haven’t given an exact % that damage needs to be changed by then, isn’t it? Since you can’t read, let me direct you:

Because you don’t. You have offered no criticism or developed on ANY of the points I made in the original post and the only thing you did was find an old forum comment from Qidpuncher where he was RIGHT BTW LOL. You haven’t developed on any of the points I have made because you don’t know HOW to. ‘I don’t think you explain them well enough’ I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or if you were one of those kids who sat at the back of the classroom with a teaching assistant who would give you a sticker after taking 30 minutes to write your name down.

No I am not ‘wrong’ at all. ‘Craven needs to be reworked’ = changed or nerfed via cooldown increase (spelled out for you since you lack comprehension skills, apparently).

Also, Craven and Survival Tactics are not the same AT ALL. Survival Tactics dispels MAGICAL effects, Craven goes on further to dispel more including Magical effects, Bleeds, diseases etc. It is basically an amplified Survival Tactics and they are not the ‘same’.

theres no need to overnerf Hunters, , its a legendary for a reason, the CD reduction could be removed to compensate or " balance"
even if they were to nerf craven , hunters will still remove your magical effects. so its GG for you my friend

Yes, they should increase the cd reduction. I’m a shadow priest, I’m used to many classes having many counter tools at their disposal. Also nerfing craven to a point where you don’t play it actually adds some sort of thought process to pressing feign.

what i will say if they nerf Craven dont be surprised if you see hunters running the DPS legendary and actualyl doign WAY more damage
like the 35% more crit dmg for BM leggo
or the 35% more dmg to rapid fire leggo
or the free wildfire bomb damage cluster leggo

its ok and fine asking for nerfs but you need to understand nerfing craven might actually make hunter more strong by default leggo swapping

Which is why I ALSO said (if you actually read my post) that the Pouch legendary is also needing to be nerfed because it’s a guaranteed top 3 damaging ability passively every game. As you clearly don’t know this, pretty much every single hunter is playing craven and unity. Their unity is the pouch legendary, meaning 1) they are immortal and 2) they do stupid damage on top.

Hunter would not be stronger if the other legendries were played over craven.

I agree craven is super strong. I honestly thought this would be the first legendary in SL thats gonna get nerfed but it pretty much avoided the bat. Everytime i face hunter with my warlock, i am close to just afk out of it.

everyone is running unity lol :smiley:

but while i share your hatred for Hunters in pvp, jsut be careful what you ask for, therres tons of damage legendaries that you have not had the pleasure of seeing in pvp.
nerfing craven will jsut make them switch

and then you will start moaning about the likes of a 1min cd Turtle for example or
the 35% crit dmg leggo

again i understand your frustration , but nerf X class because Y class is struggling you would need to think about the outcome

lets say they nerf craven…
but then all DoT classes become stronger , so then next patch , oh no … warlock / Shadow priest gets nerfed to compensate

its a balancing act, and while i truly agree it needs changing slightly, overnerfing it will only cause classes like ours to be hurt too

  • a happy medium would be buffing Agony to be not dispelable or corruption non dispel in pvp combat
    that way you dont need ramp up agony every GCD … ideas like this could help against hunters

I am NOT saying that def stance was the way to go. I agree - they should make it more similar to what did you say, S15 gameplay? But saying that you are objective and not biased towards warriors is being delusional. Sitting in defstance and outdmging other specs was NOT fine FROM MY POINT OF VIEW OF WHAT A DEFENSIVE STANCE IS.

There is nothing as 100% in a game where everyone has different opinions man.

Are you talking about my undergeared alt rogue with only 1 legendary? :rofl: You honestly try to reach for anything. I AM STILL NOT TALKING ABOUT SEASON 3. NOT. SEASON. 3. How dense are you?

Every opinion matters man. And thats why people like yourself will never be able to improve the game. It should be fun for everyone. It’s a game, it’s not your livelihood…

Are you actually mental?

Why 30 seconds? Why is that the magic number?

Because I am not critizing S3? I agreed on your points at the top. I am calling qidpuncher out for being biased.

Actually idk what is wrong with you but if this is all you can say then sure go ahead. I can just say that you are wrong and then our words will be against eachother but you will believe you are right because the world spins around you amiright? :wink:

:thinking: You are wrong, but since you are so insecure you can’t stop replying ;D I haven’t said anything about S3 yet you keep telling me that I Have 1400 in S3 while it is not even about S3. You can’t answer my representation numbers and then you straight up lie about other things we discussed. No point in discussing things with a child who has to get personal. Grow up man and get a life.


You just said im biased linking a thread where i state exactly what happens to warrior nowadays after the deff stance nerf. Was i wrong ? No. So how is that even close to biased, please find something where I’m actually biased instead of realistic.

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Want more Tee. Resto Shaman’s Lavaburst hits harder than Ele’s. And Ele’s and Enha’s Earth Shield heals for 2x more than Resto’s. Who the hell is designing this game?